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The 1st paragraph was edited from saying 'the girl who ran away from White palace guards' to 'the girl who wanted to be a knight instead of a princess' because I realized Regina never seen who was chasing Emma.

The Queen was shocked at the discovery. The Blonde was Swan. The little girl that she met all those years ago. The one who wanted to be a knight instead of a princess.  The girl who spilled her red apples. The little girl who wasn't scared of the Evil Queen.

The royal couldn't take her eyes off the victor of the fight as she mingled in the arena being congratulated by everyone who came to see the fight.

She began to draw parallels between the young child she saw all those years ago and the strong woman occupying her castle.

They both have those sparkling green eyes and long blonde hair. Sure. The Queen thought. But there is nothing that for sure guarantees that, that's her. And even if that is her, there's no guarantee that she even remembers me.

The Queen made her way out of her reserved seating and down the steps flanked by 2 of her guards.

"Well, Miss. Swan that was one impressive show you put on," the Queen said a small smirk grazing her face.

The blonde rubbed the back of her neck and looked down to hide the blush adoring her cheeks, "yeah..... I guess."

"Where did you get your training from?" The regal woman asked pleased with the reaction she got from the young woman.

"My father and godmother mostly," she said with a faraway look that slightly confused the Queen.

"Well, they must be really talented," the Queen said hoping to cheer the woman she hasn't seen in years.

"I guess," Emma said.

The two woman stood in an awkward silence until the brunette said before walking away, "Well, now that the situation with the Drunk is cleared up you can be on your way Miss. Swan."

Emma looked up abruptly disappointment and fear coating her soft features.

"Wait!" Emma yelled out stoping the queen in her tracks and whoever heard her. She blushed at the attention and walked closer to the queen, the guards tightened their hold on their weapons as a safety precaution.

"Yes Miss. Swan," the royal asked with slight amusement in her voice.

"Well... I-I don't exactly have anywhere- Well I do- but...," Emma rambled on not exactly explaining her predicament.

The Queen raised an eyebrow, "Your wasting my time, Blondie. What are you trying to tell me?"

"I don't have anywhere to go?" She whispered.

"And that effects me how?" The Queen asked crossing her arms.

"I was wondering if you'd let me stay here," Emma mumbled but the Queen heard her completely.

"For free? Occupants of my castle earn their stay. The servants serve me. The maids clean. Chefs cook. Guards protect. I can't let you just stay here Miss. Swan," the Dark Queen said to the White Kingdoms aire.

"I know that. Maybe I could work for you. As a guard or even a maid. Cooking is not my forte but I could learn," the Princess said urgently not wanting the queen to think that she was trying to gain without doing something in return.

The brunette looked at the princess with her deep, calculating brown eyes taking in the blonde.

"You're young to join my personal hand maiden group, but first you'll be trained by May. You are a skilled fighter, Ms. Swan but you aren't professionally trained. I don't want to hear how you made a mistake and cost me my men and women. I don't trust you in the kitchen as you have said you can't cook. And I like my life. So maid it is,"The Queen said beginning to walk away.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty," The green eyed girl said.

The Queen turned her head around as she was walking away from the blonde and called over her shoulder, "Be prepared Miss. Swan. They don't call me the Evil Queen for nothing."

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