Chapter 60

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"Another 3 inches of snow expected through the next few days, meteorologists are saying it's a cold front coming in from Canada..." the radio in the kitchen blares out.

"Looks like school is going to be closed," Henry says, sighing in relief. This gave him a day to kick back before having to study for his upcoming exams. Even though his mother isn't around to nag him about studying, Regina and Mary Margret are filling that void too.

Henry sits at the table the morning after the first snow storm. Mary Margret had cooked blueberry pancakes for just the two of them since David was stuck at the station dealing with car crashes and downed hydro wires. The teacher carries her son in a sort of sling which allows her to have her hands free to do other things. Jacob is cooing contently, grabbing at the lace of his mother's nightgown while she flips a few pancakes.

"That's good, it gives you and an extra day to study," she says.

Henry groans and looks down into his plate of food. His heart had never been into the school that much in the first place, even less so with his mom missing and everything. His grades had slipped a little, but nothing to be too concerned about. Violet had been his support system, especially in Spanish, she helped him when she could and they even did a project together. Violet would simply listen to him whenever he felt down and she'd put her arm around him for comfort.

"Henry, you know you should do well on your exams."

"I do know that," he groans before finishing the pancakes and going to his room, leaving mother and child alone.

He flops down on his bed and checks his phone. What he wouldn't give to hear his mom again. Once his phone was released from evidence, he had tried calling the number back so many time, but getting nothing. He once asked David what this could mean and he suggested that maybe the line had been disconnected, the phone ran out of battery, the phone was out of range or it had been destroyed. The last one sent chills up his spine and he shifts on his bed.

He stares at Violet's number for a few moments before calling.


"Hey Violet, it's me."

"Hi, Henry."

"How are you spending your snow day?"

"Dad's making me study,"

"Same... well, my stand-in Mom is."

"Regina or Mary?"

"Mary, she and the baby were watching over me last night."

Violet giggles. "You think it would be the other way around. How are the search parties going?"

Henry swallows. "Not great, another town refused to help out and then they all got caught in last night's storm. Killian called us last night and said that Anna sprained her ankle in the snow."

"That's awful, I hope she's okay."

"She is, it's just that she's going to be out of searching for a while."

"Yes..." Violet says trailing off. "Has... Has there been any other leads since the phone call?"

"Nothing substantial," Henry sighs.

"I'm sorry Henry."

"What do you have to be sorry for, it's not your mom who is being held against her will..." Henry stops, immediately regretting his words. "I'm sorry Violet."

"It's okay Henry, it will always be okay to tell me your frustrations. It's what friends are for."

"So we're friends huh?" Henry swallows. Why did I ask such a stupid question? he groans internally.

He and Violet had not been on an official date yet since the party didn't really count. He had yet to gather the courage to ask her out properly and with the turbulent road that was his life, he never seemed to find the time to do so.

"Of course we're friends," Violet says. Is he ever going to ask me? She was thinking.

Henry's heart is pounding. He wants to say the words but they're stuck in his throat.

"Have-Have you ever thought of..." he begins. He's sweating and turning very red.

"Thought of what?" she asks.

"O-Of being more than that?"

"Like boyfriend and girlfriend?"


"Well, we haven't exactly been on a date yet."

Henry's hand is shaking and he takes a deep breath before forcing the words out.

"Well, after the blizzard is over, would... would you like to g-go out with me?"

Violet blushes, happy that they are calling and not face to face. She'd been waiting for him to say those words for a long time.

"Sure," she says.

All the tension that had built up inside both of them suddenly released and they both smiled.

"We'll do it soon then," Violet says, suddenly her dad's voice can be heard in the background. "My dad's calling me, I have to go. Text me the details about the date."

"I-I will," Henry says before his crush hangs up on him.

He stares at his ceiling for a long time, smiling in relief and happiness. A large knot had just been released from his stomach and his entire body was filled with new emotions. Joy, attraction, excitement, still nervous and maybe even love. He shuts his eyes and begins to plan their first date in his head.


"NO Zelena!" Robin shouts into the phone. He tries to remain calm as Will might be listening in.

"Robin, I will do it pro-bono I promise."

"I don't need your help with my divorce case thank you."

"Stop being so stubborn Robby," she says in an almost seductive voice.

Robin swallows an angry lump in his throat.

"You're both at a standstill and if you don't do something soon, your ex-wife will end up with full custody."

Maybe that's for the best, Robin thinks to himself. After all, I don't want to drag Roland into my new relationship with Regina. I've heard her talk about how Henry took it when Emma started seeing Killian. The two had had only been on one date, but Robin felt like they could become something serious with a little luck and some effort.

"Just let me look at your case," Zelena says. She's never encountered this stubborn a client before, usually, her baby doll eyes and slick black heels had all clients melting in their seats. Robin was different, a hard nut to crack, but she had not used every trick in her book yet. "I know you love your son and seeing him is important. But if you give up now, you'll never see your son on his birthday or get to celebrate Christmas with him." Hit him with the important dates, those always hit home for parents.

Just then Ana comes out of Will's room in one of his collared shirts that reach down past her knees. She grabs a carton of juice from the fridge as well as some vodka and glasses before disappearing again. Robin sighs in frustration.

"All I ask is you consider and I can get the best deal possible for you and your son." Slick bribe for the ideal combination.

Robin still hesitates, thinking of his five-year-old son, how much he misses not seeing his son every day. The thought broke his heart. He did want to be on good terms with Marian, after all, she had been his first love and that still meant something. He'd always have a special place in his heart for her, but times change and people change. The two drifted further apart until it was like two strangers sharing a child. Marian sent the forms to him and he moved in with Will and Killian.

"A-Alright, but I want only good, clean arguments."

"Absolutely," Zelena says, smiling at the prospect of a new case. She taps her painted green fingernails on her desk, the first two crossed over in much dishonesty.

There might be fewer updates in the next few weeks, depending on exams. Fortunately, I only have one and then I can focus on the story a lot more. Thank you for your continued support.

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