Chapter 5

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"Mary I don't think Killian should come," Emma says. It's late Thursday afternoon, Emma had just come home from work when Mary Margret sprung a last-minute dinner invite on them.

"Emma, when are we ever going to meet this mysterious man? You've been going out with him for over two months."

"Among other things," Henry calls out. Emma shoots him a stern look before turning back to her conversation.

"We'd really like to meet him, Emma," she says.

"I want to make sure he's treating you right," David calls out.

"Please, Emma?" Mary Margret pleads. "We have too much food for just the two of us."

Emma sighs. "Alright, I'll text him and see if he's willing to come. You're lucky I didn't feel like cooking tonight."

"Thank you, we'll see you soon," Mary Margret squeals.

Emma ends the call with her friend and turns to her son. "Feel like dinner?"

Her son shrugs.

Emma texts Killian. Hey, know that this is last minute but one of my friends invited us over to dinner. They want to meet you.

She waits a few minutes before her phone buzzes.

Killian: Sounds like fun. Looking forward to a home cooked meal.

Emma: You don't have to come, it's mostly out of consideration.

Killian: I would like to meet some of your friends. Besides, Will has a girl over and I don't want to stick around.

Emma: Probably for the best. I'll come pick you up in a few minutes. Just a heads up, Henry is coming too. One of my friends is pregnant and the other is super protective of me, like a big brother.

Killian: Don't worry, I'll be respectful ;)

Emma smiles and then turns to Henry. "You ready to go?"

"Almost, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey," Emma says gently.

"Uh, the girl I met at swim the other day, Violet. One of her friends is having a party and... she invited me..."

Emma's heart soars in excitement and relief. Henry was finally socializing and had the opportunity to make some friends. The prospect of her son having a girlfriend was a little unsettling and uncomfortable for her, but it was a start.

"It's tomorrow night and I was wondering..."

"Yes, you can go," Emma says with a smile.

Henry's eyes light up for the first time in a long time.


"Just a few ground rules. No drugs, no alcohol, no matter how much they might pressure you. No sex and since Regina and I won't be able to, I want you to call David to come pick you up. Do NOT get into the car with someone who may be intoxicated and stay safe." Henry nods, seemingly excited. "If you have your phone on you at all times, you can go."

Henry rushes forward and hugs his mother.

"Thank you!" he says, excitement. "Thank you, Mom!"

"You're welcome," Emma says, savoring the hug as she didn't know the next time he would hug her. "Now let's go pick Killian and head to David and Mary Margret's."

Henry smiles again and grabs his jacket. Emma grabs her keys and purse before locking the apartment.

The car ride over is really quiet, except for Henry playing a game on his phone. Emma pulls up in front of Killian's apartment complex and sees him standing under a streetlight, looking very shadowy and possibly suspicious. As he walks towards the car, Emma sees that Killian is wearing black jeans, a black leather jacket with chains hanging around his neck. Emma's heart races, he could not be any sexier than at this moment.

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