Chapter 18

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"Please state your name for the records."

"Will Scarlett,"

A young-looking man with an oddly square head and dark hair trimmed into a buzz cut sit down in the lone chair in front of a metal table. His dark eyes look at the officer in front of him and shift nervously, his leg going up and down. He wears a brown leather jacket and dark pants that give an almost casual look to him. He has no idea why he's here, he's just hoping it has nothing to do with him.

"Age?" Jack asks.


"Alright, thank you for coming in voluntarily Mr. Scarlett, now I want to discuss where you were last Friday night."

"What's this for?" Will says, shifting in his chair.

"Are you aware that your roommate, Killian Jones's girlfriend, Emma Swan has been abducted?"

"Is that why he's been away? Robin told me he was havin' a weekend with her. I assumed as much because that's what I was doin' too."

"Can you elaborate on that statement?"

"How'd you mean sir?"

"What does having a weekend mean?"

"Well, it's pretty self-explanatory it is, a man spends the weekend with his girl... sleepin' with her mostly. You know what I mean mate?"

"I get the picture thank you," Jack grimaces. "So you were with a girl all weekend?"

"Yes, I was,"

"What was her name?"

"Ana. Anastasia Reynolds. Right, pretty girl, she's from Canada believe it or not."

"That's nice Mr. Scarlett, but what time did you meet up with Anastasia? Did you see your roommate Mr. Jones at all?"

"Not really. No," Will says.

"How is that?" Jack asks.

"Well he usually gets home at about half-past six and I was already out the door, havin' dinner with Ana."

"And you were gone all weekend?"

"I was," Will nods. "We stayed at her place."

"Never came home for anything like a toothbrush or clean clothes?"

"No sir, I was prepared I was."

"When did you get home?"

"Monday mornin' I had to go to work after that."

"And where do you work?"

"I'm the assistant manager at a Pizza Hut."

"Did you see your roommate, Killian Jones at all, since Thursday?

"Not at all. Mate, did you know that a girl can wear a bra inside out? It starts with..."

Behind the glass, David, Nova, Regina, Leroy, Ruby, Lacey, Zelena and Elsa watch the interview. Aurora, Killian, Henry and Mary Margret were at home taking it easy.

"Well this has been a waste of time," Leroy grumbles. "The guy is totally useless."

"He may be a slag, but he's no abductor," Ruby agrees.

"We still have to cover all the options. I guess the other roommate will have to back up Killian's alibi," David says.

"He sure does love to talk," Nova says. "I think we'll actually have to tell him to shut up."

"He could fill a book with dirty innuendos and sex talk," Ruby says, surprised that they found a man who had a dirtier mind than she did. Ruby usually kept her exploits to herself and only shared them with her trusted friends. This guy is babbling on and on, to a police officer no less, about his physical relationship with this girl, Ana.

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