Chapter 36

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"When do you think he'll wake up?" Henry asks, sitting outside in the emergency waiting room.

"He wasn't too bad when they brought him in," Regina adds.

Regina, Henry, David and Ruby sit out in the hallway, waiting for news on Killian. Everyone else had gone home for the night.

"We'll know when Dr. Whale comes out," David says.

"I just can't believe how stupid he was; drinking and driving like that," Ruby says bluntly. "This is why I didn't want to tell Henry or him about what the woman said."

"Speaking of that, how did you find out?" Regina asks.

David gives Ruby a harsh stare.

"I listened in on the interview that David and Jack had with Gwen,"

"You realize that could be considered a criminal offence," David warns sternly.

Ruby shoots him a look. "Spare me the lecture, David. You're really going to arrest me for something minor while my best friend is missing and her boyfriend was drinking and driving. Some police force."

"Ruby, I know you care about Emma, but listening to an important witness, breaks confidentiality laws."

"I understand that, but I had to know if she really was just a bystander or if she knew where Emma was."

"Well clearly she doesn't," David says. "Otherwise, I would've been much more active and frantic to try and track the guy down if she did."

"That bastard is going to pay very dearly for all the shit he's put everyone through," Ruby says through gritted teeth.

"Get in line Ruby," David mutters.

The door to the emergency room opens and Dr. Whale steps out.

"We really need to stop meeting in the emergency room like this Lieutenant Nolan," Whale says in good humour.

"At least it's not the morgue," Ruby says. Everyone glares at her.

"How's he doing?" Regina asks.

"He's very lucky considering the damage to his vehicle. A broken leg and few cracked ribs, slight concussion and a sprained wrist, along with cuts and scrapes from the broken glass."

"When do you think he'll be released?" Ruby asks.

"I want to keep him for a few more days until his concussion is more under control, but he shouldn't travel very far and be within driving distance of the hospital."

"He might have to stay at Emma's apartment then," David says. He looks over at Henry. "Would that be okay?"

"Why are you asking me?" Henry asks in confusion.

"Well, you are the one who's living there."

"So are you," the teenager points out.

"Temporarily of course," David adds quickly.

"He'll need a proper bed and such for recovery. He'll be off his leg for six weeks," Dr. Whale adds.

Henry swallows. Sharing an apartment with his mother's boyfriend did not seem ideal at all, especially since he might have to give up his bedroom. Plus, the docks man will also need around the clock care and with school and such, it would be hard for the teen.

"Maybe he should just live at our place," David says. "We do have the extra room."

"But what about Henry?" Ruby asks. "And with the baby less than a month away, it might not be a good idea."

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