Volume iii - Chapter 53

Start from the beginning

“No Haz,” I laughed and he huffed, letting go of my hand and turning away from me.

“Oh, no! Haz!” I said. “Please,” I held my hand out, silently begging for him to take my hand back.

“Nope,” he imitated me with a giggle. “Not till you tell me.”

I pouted at him, keeping my eyes on the road.

“We’re nearly there, please?” I asked again and he huffed.

“Okay fine.” Harry resigned, a small smile forming on his face as he held my hand again.

A few minutes later and we had arrived.

“Oh. My. God.” Harry’s jaw dropped when he saw where we were. “Really?” He asked excitedly with a huge grin, his voice getting all squeaky.

I had brought him to a drive-in cinema where his favourite film was going to be playing, Love Actually.

“Yes Harry, really.” I said and he leant across the space between us to kiss me.

“Oh my God. This is gonna be great!” He said as he saw the billboard advertising the film we would be watching.

I drove in, paid for two tickets and found a really good spot to park.

“Do you want me to park forwards or backwards?” I asked him.

“Backwards, that way we can-” He turned around to look into the back and stopped once he saw what I had brought along.

There were blankets and pillows and a basket of food that I had brought.

“Did you bring all this for me?” He asked as he looked at me.

“Yeah,” I nodded, holding his hand tighter. “Course I did, you dolt.”

He smiled even wider.

“Then we’re definitely parking backwards, so I can cuddle you in the boot.” Harry said and I nodded.

I turned the car around so we were parking the right way and set the radio to the right channel so we could hear the film when it started.

We got out and walked around to the back of the car to open the boot.

“This is actually so nice,” Harry commented as he took the blazer off and climbed into the car.

He put he two backseats down and grabbed some blankets, spreading them out.

“I’m glad you like it.” I told him as I took my jacket off and followed him into the car.

He grabbed some pillows and rearranged them so that it was like a little bed in the back of the car.

“C’mon,” He said as he laid down, signalling me to do the same and I did.

I put my arms out and he fell into them, putting his head on my chest before I pulled the blankets over us.

“This is nice.” Harry whispered, looking up at me. “I’m so excited! I’ve never been through a drive-in before.”

I smiled back at him and kissed his nose affectionately.

“Good.” I replied with a grin and he playfully smacked my stomach before turning around to grab the basket.

“What food did you bring?” He asked as he sat up on his elbow and started to look through it.

“Well,” I started, taking the basket from him. “We’ve got strawberries,” I said as I pulled them out and put them between us.

“I love strawberries!” Harry exclaimed as he looked at them intently.

“Chocolate-chip cookies,” I said as I took them out and put them next to the strawberries.

Harry groaned when he saw them.

“And some Pepsi,” I said before grabbing the bottle and two cups. “Because you, my child, are underage.”

“Louuuuu!” Harry whined. “I’m gonna be 18 soon though!”

“Not really,” I replied with a laugh as I patted his head. “You still have 8 months to go.”

“Whatever,” Harry poked his tongue out. “At least I’m not old like you.”

I put my hand on my heart in mock hurt. “I am not old! 21 is not old!”

“Its okay, I love you still.” He said as he grinned at me.

“I love you too.” I replied with a smile and gave him a kiss. “Now, shut up. It’s starting.”



its short. but this is all I got for now.


~Vic xo

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