You are Old Friends

Start from the beginning


Charles and you had always been close but life took you both in separate directions, of course this upset you both be he always told you that you would see him again. You sent letters to each other at the beginning but eventually they just stopped coming, you thought the worst, which something bad had happened to him. As more and more time went by you became more and more certain that Charles was wrong. You weren't going to see him again. Charles never forgot about you though, he just thought that everything would be less painful if you both stopped trying to hold on to each other. But when the gang needed somewhere safe to hide he knew that he could trust you. When you opened your door and saw Charles standing in front of you, you weren't sure what to think since you thought he was dead. You didn't get angry or shout, you listened to what he had to say and he apologised a lot. He apologised again before telling you that the gang needed somewhere safe to stay. Part of you wanted to turn him away but the bigger part of you agreed to let them hide out on your farm. You and Charles talked a lot that day, telling each other how much you missed each other and talking about everything that has happened since you stopped talking.


You and Javier knew each other for what feels like forever, you even travelled together for a while before you went your separate ways. You got your own farm and he joined the Van Der Linde gang. You left each other on good terms, understanding that you just wanted different things, to live different lives, but that didn't mean that you didn't miss each other. You sent letters to each other at first but he kept moving around so it became difficult but then the letters just began to stop, now you have contacted each other in what felt like forever. When you opened the door and saw Javier you weren't angry at him but you were surprised. He looked a little guilty as he greeted you but you smiled at him and just told him that you missed him. He felt bad about showing up out of nowhere and asking you to hide a gang of outlaws, and you were rightly a little annoyed, but you agreed to let them hide out on your farm. Mainly so that you could reunite with Javier again.


You and Sean were very close before he left, you weren't too mad at him at first but after months of not even hearing from him you were angry. You thought that he would at least send a scruffy letter, but he didn't send anything, you never heard of him and a part of you feared that he had been killed. When you opened the door, you just stared at Sean, not knowing what to say. He smiled and greeted you cheerfully, approaching you with open arms and you knew that he was going to try to hug you. You placed your hands on his chest and pushed him away before slapping him, making the rest of the gang laugh and snicker among themselves. Sean just laughed and told you that he missed you. The cocky bastard. You shouted at him a little but for leaving and not letting you know if he was even alive, but you couldn't stay mad at him forever so you forgave him and accepted his hug. Eventually you agreed to let the gang hide out on your farm. You both missed each other a lot and it was great to be reunited and to be able to catch up.


It had been a very long time since you last saw Hosea, you knew that you were going to miss each other but you also knew that you had to go separate ways. You wanted to settle down somewhere safe so you got yourself a nice farm, while Hosea was practically running a gang with Dutch Van Der Linde. You knew about what he did and it never bothered you, but you didn't want to be a part of it and Hosea didn't want to make you join a gang. But when he gang needed a safe place to hideout, Hosea knew that he could trust you and he knew where you lived, he knew that he could always turn to you when he needed help. You were more than surprised when you saw Hosea on your doorstep, you couldn't even remember how long ago it was when you last saw him. You weren't mad at him because you choose to go your separate ways, you were actually just excited to see him again. He was as charming as you remembered. You agreed to letting his gang hide out at your farm when he asked, it would be nice to see what he was a part of now.


You had known Kieran for a long time and you were both very close but then he made the decision to join a gang, which you told him was an awful idea. Then the last time you saw him was when he told you that he was joining the O'Driscolls and you had to do everything in your power to not slap him. You tried to talk him out of it but he wouldn't listen so you had to say goodbye, you were pretty sure that the killed him when you realised that he hadn't even attempted to contact you. When you opened the door and saw him, and a gang was definitely wasn't the O'Driscolls, you once again tried not to slap him as you waited for an explanation. He explained everything that happened and who the Van Der Linde gang are. Everybody watched as you lectured Kieran, reminding him that you told him that joining the O'Driscolls would just cause trouble and put him in danger. But they were all a little surprised when you hugged him tightly, and of course Kieran returned your hug without hesitation. You sighed and told him that they could stay as long as they didn't cause trouble, Kieran smiled and thanked you. He knew that he could always rely on you. 


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