chapter 8

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Magnus POV:

I took Alec and walked back inside my loft I placed him in my bedroom quick walking back to the party saying that it was over.

When everyone was gone I walked back to Alec seeing Jace with tears in his eyes and a crying Clary in his arms and on the other side I saw Isabelle sitting with Alec his hand in hers while she was crying. I walked to Isabelle laying a hand on her shoulder. she turned around stood up and hugged me "I'm sorry Isabelle if I would just talked....."I started "no Magnus it was not your fault we didn't do anything about him we let him sink so deep we are all in this together not only you," she said hugging me again.

I walked over to alec using my magic trying to wake him up... trying to keep him from dying..........

a couple of hours later:

Jace and Clary went back to the institute but Isabelle refused to leave Alec, not because she didn't trust me she was just worried. I have been using magic for a couple of hours now but it didn't seem to wake him up. I didn't use mic magic so I could use it longer. But how less magic I use. How less the change is that Alec wakes up

Alec POV:

After I hit the ground it went black it was finally over the pain would be gone but that was not true I still felt it. Far away I heard someone scream and then I felt two arms around me picking me up. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't get them open I tried so hard to open them. I felt a soft and fluffy mattress under me. And someone grabbed my hand but after a while letting go of it. I heard some people talking and crying. I didn't know it would hurt them this bad if I would be gone. After a while of just hearing people crying, I felt some kind of energy holding me tight but not in a wrong way it felt like someone was hugging me a soft sweet...weak hug.

After what felt like hours for me someone left because the crying and sobbing was so good as gone slowly i felt the energy fade. but the energy shortly after the crying stopped it returned. I tried to talk but nothing came out of my mouth

Magnus POV:

After talking to Isabelle I decided to let her sleep her in the guestroom. After I showed her the room I went immediately back to Alec when I walked in I heard him mumble a little. I rushed to the side of the bed and kneeled down holding his hand. "Alexander please wake up," I said rubbing his hand and holding it close to my head. "please don't leave me, Alexander," I said crying as I placing my head on his chest. " I would do anything to save you............." I said looking at him then I got up using my magic again.

Izzy POV:

I woke up by the sun getting into the room when I looked around I saw this wasn't my room at the institute and then I remembered what happened to Alec I quickly got out of bed and put on some clothes I picked up from the Institute yesterday. I walked into the living space and saw that Magnus his bedroom door was open. "Magnus are you awake," I asked opening the door seeing Magnus sitting next to Alec using his magic. "Magnus have you even slept, "I asked placing a hand on his shoulder. "Isabelle I am fine the only thing that matters is getting Alec back," he said "Magnus I get that you are worried about Alec but you need to take care of yourself, "I said sitting down next to Magnus on the bed. "Isabelle I get it your worried about me but my magic is the only thing that is keeping him from completely fading or slipping away," he said "okay let me at least make you something to eat," I said standing up and walking to the kitchen.

CLary POV:

I woke up with Jace his arms wrapped around my waist. "moring" he said pressing a kiss against my lips "morning" I said hugging him as he pressed my body closer to his. when I let go I kissed him and stepped out of bed grabbing some clothes and a shirt of Jace and then walking into the bathroom to take a quick shower. when I got out I looked at Jace still laying in bed looking at me in my underwear and his shirt. I grabbed some jeans and put it on "Jace I am gonna go over to Magnus his place to check on Alec, Magnus and Izzy" I said crawling on to bed giving him one last kiss until I left the room.

When I got at Magnus his loft i walked in seeing Izzy sit on the couch "hey izz how is Alec doing" i asked she looked up with a sad face but when she saw me a little smile appeared on her face she walked to me hugging me "Alec is still in some kind of coma but Magnus won't leave his side" he said walking to the Magnus his bedroom when she opened the door Magnus looked up and then went back to what he was doing "has he been in there the whole time, has he even slept, eat or drank anything" I asked looking at him "no he has been with Alec the whole time he is the only reason Alec isn't dead yet but in some kind of coma" she said looking away from Alec and facing me again "Izzy, I am so sorry for what you must go through" I said placing a hand on her arm and rubbing it. "well at least are you here now"

okay this was a little bit of a boring chapter but okay let me know what you guys thought ??!!

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