"But would you leave if he gets a heavy sentence?"

"...it depends. But I chose this life and we vowed to be together through a lot of things, so I'm going to stay for as long as I can."

"Wow. Drew has grown up." she laughed

"I mean, yeah. Besides, there's kids involved now." I said pointing at my belly

"Yeah and he knows that. I'm sure everything will be just fine."

"I hope so."


Gabi and I had a car take us to her parent's house. Angelo was staying with them for the few days that she was with me and she thought it would be a good idea for us all to be in the same place.

"Drew, how are you?" Carla asked concerned

"I've been better."

"How are my grandchildren?" she felt my stomach

"I think they miss him. Is that weird?"

"No. Of course not. They are used to his voice and haven't heard it in a while."

Francesco came over and kissed me on the check before taking our bags.

"Stay for as long as you want." he told me

"Mommy!" Angelo yelled as he ran from the other room

"Hello to you." Gabi said picking him up

"Hi, Titi." he said to me

"Hi, honey."

Gabi placed Angelo on his feet and he came over to me and touched my stomach. I guided his tiny hand to where the one of the twins was moving.

"I miei cugini?" (My cousins?)

"Yes they are. Are you going to protect them?" I asked

"Yep." he nodded, "When they get here, we're going to play with my toys."

"Aww, that's sweet." I smiled at him

He took off running back into the room where he came from.

"I'm making dinner, it should be ready in a few." Carla said to me

"Great! I'll be starving by then."

"Let's get you off of your feet." Gabi offered

We went into the den where Angelo was playing with his toys. My phone rang and I recognized Matteo's number.


"Hello, Drew. Are you up for talking?"

"Yeah. Do you want to come over? We're at Gio's parents house."

"I can be there in a few hours."

After giving Matteo the address, I hung up the phone and informed Gabi of Matteo's visit. As Gabi played with Angelo, I made my way upstairs to the room I would be staying in. I removed my shoes and laid down to get some sleep before Matteo arrived.

Just as I began to fall asleep, my phone rang. I opened my eyes slowly, becoming very annoyed. It was an unknown number, but I picked it up anyway. The operator for the federal prison informed me that Giovanni was on the phone, the call would be recorded, and the information on the fees and charges. I accepted.



"How are you?"

"Good. We're staying at your parents for awhile."

"That's good. Have you talked to Matteo?"

"Yeah, he's on his way. He said I could come visit you."


"What's wrong?" I asked

"I don't want you to see me like this."

"Giovanni, don't do this."

"I just-"

"I am your wife. Not your girlfriend. Not some girl you sleep with. Your wife."

"I already feel bad for putting you in this situation."

"I asked for this."

"You didn't."

"I agreed to marry you. I told you years ago that I accepted you and with that I accepted all of the consequences that came with loving you."

"You wanted me to quit."

"I mean I do, but I'm not forcing you to. I was angry the last time we spoke, and very hungry."

"I understand. You have every right to be. I'm just afraid that you'll see me in here and it'll become real for you. It may be too much for you to handle in your condition."

"Giovanni, we vowed to loved each other through thick and thin. I don't want to be like my parents and you promised that we wouldn't be. I'm coming to see you as many times as I can, I'll be at trial everyday and I'll be right there when you're free."

"...Gesú you're so stubborn."

"That's why you married me." I smiled

"Ti amo." (I love you)

"I love you too."

"Get some rest, make sure you eat, and I'll see you when you get here."


I let out a deep breath once I hung up. I placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it slowly.

We'll get past this; we have to.

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