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14 weeks

"I'm officially done with jeans." I groaned

Giovanni came up behind me in the mirror and rubbed my belly. It was hard to hide at this point and my wardrobe consisted of mainly sweats and Giovanni's t-shirts. I didn't want to buy any other type of clothes because I liked being comfortable and sweats with an oversize shirt made me comfortable.

"You look beautiful." he whispered into my ear

I instinctively smiled and went to cover my mouth, but he stopped me.

"Look at that smile. Don't cover it." he complimented

I allowed the smile to leak through and unraveled myself to continue getting dressed. Giovanni was spending a lot more time at home because he was overprotective. He worked in his office while I sat around eating all day.

We went to the doctor's the other day to find out the sex...more like give Francesco the envelope that contained the sex of the babies. He was more than happy to hold the family secret for a couple of weeks.

"What's the plan today?" Giovanni asked me

"Baby names." I cheesed

Once I was fully dressed, I found the paper that Gabi made for us and handed it to him.

"These are some interesting names." he stated

I rolled my eyes and handed him a red pen to strike through all the names he hated.

I rolled my eyes and handed him a red pen to strike through all the names he hated

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He handed me back the list and I analyzed his rejects.

"I can work with this." I nodded

"Some of those names aren't Italian." he pointed out

"I am aware."

"They must be your choices."

"They are." I smiled

"How did my mother take it?"

"She was pissed, but she'll get over it." I shrugged

"What about how I feel?" he asked genuinely

I walked over to him and threw my arms around his neck. I stared into his eyes with a smile. He wrapped his arm around my waist to bring me in as close as possible.

"I think we could give them Italian middle names." I proposed

He put his head down and looked back up at me with a smile.

"You're so rebellious." he told me

"I am not." I dropped my arms, "We don't have traditions so it's just easier for me to stray away from yours."

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