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Giovanni's Bachelor Party

I made my way to the passenger seat of the truck as Drew watched us drive off. She was smiling happily and I almost had half the mind to tell Giorgio to stop the car.

"You're so whipped." Daunte teased from behind me

"Sta'zitto." I said back to him (Shut up)

Daunte continued to tease me while the others joined in for the rest of the ride. I rented a plane for us to take to Mexico since Drew was taking my plane.

Once we were on the plane, Daunte began to flirt with a stewardess and she easily fed into it.

Dominic ordered us all beers and we gathered around to enjoy the ride. After a couple of beers, everyone begun to loosen up, including Langston. Safe to say we were having a good time.

"So how do you feel about your sister marrying someone like Giovanni?" Daunte asked Langston

"What do you mean?" Langston asked confused

"Lui non lo sa." Giorgio warned the group (He doesn't know.)

"You know...rich." Daunte covered

"If she's happy, I'm happy." Langston shrugged

"I'll toast to that." I said clinking my beer against Langston's

Fons stood up and brought his hands together.

"Alright, gentlemen. We have one night to celebrate Gio's last night as a free man. There will be no resting, no sleeping, and it's our job to make sure that there is always a drink in his hand." Fons held up his beer, "To Gio."

"To Gio." Everyone said in unison


We arrived in Cabo San Lucas by mid-afternoon and headed straight to a bar. There were people everywhere in beach attire. We definitely stood out wearing suits in the warm weather, but the patrons were too drunk to notice.

"We need shots and keep them coming." Dom told the bartender

There were no tables available so we waited. Once someone left their seat, even if it seemed like they were coming back, we took the chair. We stole a table and gathered all the chairs together just in time for our shots to arrive.

Four rounds later and we were beginning to have fun. Daunte, Dom, Fons, and Langston headed toward the crowd to mingle with what looked like college kids.

There were women every where in bikinis. Even the waitresses barely had anything on.

Giorgio and I hung back at the table, watching the others make fools of themselves.

Giorgio placed a couple of shots in front of me and I refused them.

"Your hands look empty and last time I checked, we all promised to keep a drink in each of them." Giorgio said

I shook my head before taking the shots. More shots were placed in front of me and I rolled my eyes. The boys came back with a group of girls who held beers in their hands. The women rushed over to me and placed their boobs in my face, doing some dances.

One girl poured her beer down her chest, then shoved my face into her breast. The guys nearly fell out of their chairs and I could see someone recording the whole thing.

Drew was going to kill me.

Once that event was over, I voluntarily took a few more shots to forget what I went through. We left that bar and walked down wherever we were. Everything was becoming a blur at this point and I didn't know where we were going.

We walked into a strip club and I tried to walk out, but the guys stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere." Daunte told me

They sat me down in front of the stage as one of the dancers was swinging on the pole. More drinks and shots were ordered and while we waited for her dance to finish, I was given lap dances. The guys were throwing money shamelessly, attracting more money hungry dancers to our area.

I don't know how long we were at the strip club, but after awhile, there was an announcement of last call. I was stumbling at this point, so Giorgio and Langston held me up.

"Let's go." Giorgio grunted

Somehow we made it to a hotel, I couldn't remember which one we booked. I was leaning against the wall in the elevator.

"You good, Gio?" Langston asked me

"Si." I nodded

He laughed at me and helped me walk once we arrived at the right floor. Once we were inside of the suite, he dropped me on the couch.

"Hey, Langston, call those girls up here." Daunte told him

"What girls?" I tried to ask

I don't know if I said it out loud or if I didn't say it loud enough because no one answered me. I hadn't been this drunk since I was a kid.

"I need to call Drew." I told the room

"You're fine. Drew's fine. Relax, we're going to have some fun." Daunte told me

I leaned my head against the couch and watched as the ceiling swirled. I could barely take care of myself so I knew there was no point in fighting him.

I heard a bottle of champagne pop open and Dom came over and handed it to me. I tried to shoo him away, but it was a worthless effort.

"Come on, Gio. It's a celebration." Dom persuaded

I grabbed the bottle against my better judgement and took a big gulp. The men cheered as I furthered my intoxication. There was a knock at the door and Langston went to open it. A group of dancers, the ones from the strip club, made an entrance and the men grew even more excited.

I remained on the couch by myself as I tried to sober up enough to find a phone. I was giving myself a pep talk, when one of the strippers came over and undressed herself. She began dancing in front of me and I could do nothing, but watch her. She handed me a drink and I gulped it down.

That was the last thing I remembered before passing out.

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