|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 12|

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"You know, your attacks would provoke much more of an injury if you aimed them to be lethal." The fourth prince sighed in exasperation as you managed to evade him once again, pushing him far away from your being. Hakuryuu could not help but get slightly frustrated as it was quite obvious who was in control of this fight. He knew training with you would be challenging, but he did not think that he would get kicked onto his ass ten times. What frustrated him, even more, was the fact that your attacks were not even at your full power. He had seen you uproot trees when battling Judar, he knew that you had more strength than that too. He was sort of relieved that you did not decide to use it on him.

"Again." Your order was simple and straight to the point as you once again kicked the young prince off his feet. You did sort of feel bad making him continuously go against you, but you knew that if you tried to call it quits, he would beg you to stay until he knew he did well. So you offered him a hand and pulled him to his feet and waited until he got into a fighting position. As usual, you let him go for the first hit and you quickly ducked under the blade, evading his attack. After you did so, you ran behind Hakuryuu, slowing your movements slightly so he had enough time to counter you. The prince quickly turned, trying to strike your side, but you kicked his arm, loosening his grip on the weapon and sending him down. The spear went flying into the air, before it came back down, landing in your awaiting hands.

"That was better, but you're still not aiming to kill. Why?" You kept the spear in your grasp, looking at the prince as you waited for an answer. Hakuryuu could not help but stare up in awe at your figure, the powerful and confident aura that surrounded you.

No one would have known you were a slave, only the strongest warrior.

The prince cleared his throat before sighing and shaking his head. He honestly did not know why he was trying to avoid injuring you. You had no problem repeatedly kicking him onto the ground, so why should he have a problem with giving you a little cut? Probably because he did not want to accidentally seriously injure you, even though it was practically impossible. He rubbed the back of his neck before pitifully looking down.

"I guess I just don't want to hurt you." The only response you gave was a hum indicating that you were, in fact, listening to him. You began to move the spear around, slowly starting to turn the weapon before turning it like a skilled warrior. Hakuryuu could hear the air being cut by the blade and he dared himself to look up and see what you were doing. As soon as his head rose, he was met with the tip of the blade pointed directly at his face. The prince's eyes widened as he looked passed the weapon to see you in a fighting stance, obviously trained in this type of weaponry. Hakuryuu could not keep the gasp from escaping his mouth, astonished that you were not only incredibly strong but also trained in using weaponry.

You stayed still in that position, the wind blowing a little causing some of your loose strands of curly hair to flutter behind you. To the prince, you truly did look like something out of legend, with the powerful stance, muscular physique, the curly hair. Hell, when he looked closer he could see that your pupils were slightly dilated. With the amount of superiority you radiated, it almost felt as if you were royalty, a princess.

"Princess." His voice was soft but you heard him with your superb hearing. You felt your throat clench and your heartbeat stop entirely, you almost could not hear it which scared you even more. It seemed to dawn upon Hakuryuu that he actually said that, and the prince quickly became embarrassed. Trying to conceal yourself, you quickly shook your head and did a quick motion with the spear, having it now stand next to you. With a slight smile and a chuckle, you held out your free hand to the fallen boy.

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