|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 41|

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You hated when the castle was like this. When you were left alone in this place with no one to talk with. It didn't happen often but the few times that it did were awful. You didn't even like to leave your room during those times but you couldn't stay cooped up in there for that much longer. You decided to walk around for a bit and wait for everyone to come back.

Whatever was going on must have been important. You were chatting with Kougyoku when a yellow orb appeared and you suddenly heard Kouen yelling for her to get over to where he was. After getting over the initial shock of being interrupted the princess apologized before disappearing in a flash of light. You were confused but determined it had to be some kind of magic they were using. Since then you had been alone.

Judar had disappeared along with Hakuryuu shortly after. He claimed that it wasn't safe for you to go with him but he would see you later. You couldn't do anything to change his mind so you could only let him go. He sensed your unease and tried to reassure you that it was nothing serious but that didn't do much to help. However, you knew Judar was capable on his own so you pretended you were fine so he would leave.

When nobody in the royal family was available your next option would be Erina. While the young girl would usually be more than happy to spend time with you she was overloaded with chores today. Apparently one of the maids had gotten sick and she had to take on her load. She apologized profusely to you but you assured her it wasn't her fault. She was technically a maid, after all, it was only a part of her job. Some days you would just have to deal with being alone. It wasn't that bad.

'Don't lie to yourself, it's terrible.' Being alone wasn't even the worse part. You could handle keeping to yourself for the day. The worst part was the terrible gut feeling you had. It wasn't night but the sky was already beginning to darken, yet it didn't look like it was going to rain. It was odd, how the sky looked. What was even weirder was that you hadn't seen any of those creepy priests standing in the halls since the royal family left. It all seemed too coordinated to be a coincidence.

Despite how eerie the sky made you feel, you decided to walk outside. Fresh air was always good and you stayed inside too much. As long as you could avoid any of those strange priests you had nothing to worry about. It seemed the maids sensed the dark energy circling the palace. They all looked queasy and squeamish as they worked around the palace so you knew you weren't imagining things. You didn't know if that was more or less reassuring.

You entered the courtyard on the south side of the palace. It was the one closest to your room since you didn't feel like going far. You glanced around to make sure that the place was unoccupied before taking a seat. The bench was cold against your skin but you didn't really care that much to leave. Bringing your knees up to rest your chin on them, you closed your eyes as you sat there for a moment. You were the only person nearby based on what you heard meaning you had a good amount of time to yourself.

It was hard to tell exactly what time it was with how dark the sky was. You were sure it wasn't nighttime yet you didn't know how long it would be until the sunset. You let out a sigh as you adjusted your seating. Wrapping your arms around your legs, you tried not to worry about what the royal family could be doing. It really was none of your business. You should be worrying more about how to get back to Serpantine.

You sat in tranquility for a bit, the gentle breeze comforting you. It would have stayed that way if it weren't for a sudden dark feeling causing you to shiver. It was as if an evil force had suddenly appeared. You tried to brush off the feeling but your eyes immediately snapped open when you heard the crunch of the grass as someone took a step forward. You whipped your head in the direction of the sound and couldn't help the slight shake that took over your body.

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