|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33|

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You felt different. Extremely different. It was as if all the strength you had lost during your trip had come back to you in the past week and if you weren't so grateful you would probably be overwhelmed. The wounds on your back had almost completely healed thanks to this and you were sure you were strong enough to fight. Everyone was sure of it which was why more guards surrounding you.

You could tell that you would be at the coliseum soon.  It was as if everyone had immediately gotten in a better mood, yet they still rushed around. You were able to figure the reasoning out on your own and decided to inform the young girl of your approaching arrival.

You looked at the white outfit in the corner of the cage, folded neatly in the dark. It had been sitting there for the past week as you refused to wear it simply to please that man. However, you realized you were not the cleanest you've been and despite your love for it, the outfit was not helping. So you scornfully dragged yourself to the corner began to unravel the bandages around your torso.

It was uncomfortable, knowing that they could look at you whenever they wanted. Knowing they could see parts of you that you didn't want them to. You had never been conscious of showing skin before, but at a time like this, it was all you could think about. You put the white top on as quickly as you could, trying your best to keep anything out of view. Changing the skirt was the hard part but you managed to succeed. However, you could still sense them watching you even after you were clothed.

'Judar would raise Hell if he found out about this.' You decided this would be one of the things you kept from him, and hopefully, he couldn't figure it out on his own. Stretching your arms out behind you, you listened to the cracking sounds that were a result. You finally felt mobile again, as if you could fend for yourself. You knew that you would have to move around a bit more before fighting anything, but this was better than before.

Leaning back against the bars, you decided it was best to do something with your hair considering how long it was. If someone or something were to grab it while you were fighting there would be a real problem. You managed to part the frizzy mess down the middle before combing through it with your fingers. The desert weather did not help at all, and it only caused your hair to have more volume than usual. It wouldn't be a problem soon as you began to braid the hair.

It was a very difficult task, and the tangles in your hair were not making it any easier. However, you managed to succeed in making two large braids along your scalp that would hopefully last until after the fight. You tucked the ends into the braid so even they didn't have a chance to be pulled. When you were finally done your arms felt sore but nothing you couldn't handle. Looking up, you saw Sultaana staring at you, and instantly knowing what she wanted you gestured for her to sit in front of you.

She moved in front of you and you got to work with her hair. It was a lot easier to do since it was shorter and you could see what you were doing. You decided to just do the same style you did. There was also an added requirement of being gentler with her hair since you could feel her flinch sometimes.

"Let me know if it hurts." She only nodded in response to your words and you when back to work. You had finally finished the first half without any issue when you began on the second. You felt her flinch again but she didn't say anything to stop you so you just kept going. When you were done, you tucked the ends in like you did with your own.

"I'm done, now you shouldn't have to worry about it later." She only nodded her head, moving away from you to do whatever she needed. You began to crack your fingers, shaking out your hands since they were cramping. You had done everything that needed to be done, now all you had to do was wait.

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