|ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5|

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The carpet flew to a very large structure, and it was almost impossible to notice the hundreds of guards surrounding it. 'So this must be the Kou palace.' You stared down at the ground as your altitude decreases, the carpet slowly moving down. Leaning your torso over the edge, you began to observe the men and women walking around. The majority of them wore similar outfits so you couldn't only assume that they were servants of some sort.

As you continued to look over the edge, you realized that you had stopped moving, the carpet still a good thirty feet above the ground. You attempted to shift your body to look at the magi to see what he was doing, however, your actions were quickly halted when you felt a strong push on your backside. At first, all you noticed was the harsh wind hitting you, causing your hair and clothing to flail about. That's when it finally registered. 'Oh, I'm falling.'

With now narrowed eyes, you forced your upper body downward, your head facing the ground. The skirt you were wearing began to move around because of the air, but it really was not your main concern at the moment. Your gaze stayed focused on the ground, waiting for the perfect moment to maneuver yourself around. When the ground was finally close enough, you flipped forward, your feet now under you. As soon as your feet touched the ground your legs bent and you rolled over twice. When you finally landed you had your left knee on the ground, and your left hand supporting you. You were staring ahead with a blank face until you heard that same irritating laugh.

"Bravo! Bravo! I give you a ten out of ten for the landing!" You craned your neck to look back at the magi, a vicious scowl now on your face. Getting off the ground, you adjusted your outfit before fully turning towards him.

"What the hell? I could've died!" Speaking this way to Judar was out of character, especially for a slave. You started to walk towards him and he jumped off the floating sheet that was now much closer to the ground. He sassily put a hand on his hip and glared at you as you got closer. Suddenly, he had his wand pointing at you, the red gem's sharp tip aimed at your heart. A shadow covered your form and you bravely looked up to see what it was. Pointed directly at your being was a large and extremely sharp ice shard. Obviously made with the intent to kill.

"Watch your tone slave! Don't forget who you belong to." You continued to glare up at him, his threat not being as meaningful as he thought it would be. You were thinking about risking it all and going for his throat, but you began to take small breaths and quickly calmed down. Taking a step back, you bowed in respect and as an apology.

"My apologies Master Judar, please forgive my ignorance." You stood back up only to see him looking even smugger than before. 'I'm not even surprised he's starting to get smug.' You looked past Judar only to see some maids staring at the both of you. Looking around the little open area you were in, you noticed almost all of them were. Judar seemed to catch onto what you were looking at and a nasty scowl covered his face.

"Get back to work you nosy rats!" They quickly looked away and resumed whatever work they were previously doing.

With a much happier expression, Judar turned back to you and examined your appearance. He slyly moved next to you and wrapped one of his arms around your shoulders. Despite the gesture being a friendly one, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. You noticeably tensed at the physical contact but allowed his arm to stay nonetheless. He pulled you to a tree, grabbed what looked to be a peach off of it, and then started to push you towards an entrance into the palace. You briefly remembered the peaches he got from your old master but you didn't have enough time to look for them.

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