🥀Finding Out Part 2🥀

Start from the beginning

"So I heard your decathlon team was here yesterday for a tour that they won. Congratulations but why didn't you tell us." Pepper said.

Peter replied smiling as he shook his head chuckling, "I couldn't come due to to many missed days. I just hope they leave me alone at school, I dont want to have to deal with fake friends."

Pepper kissed his head and put everyone pancakes. She sat left of Tony as Peter sat right of him. Rhodey sat across from Tony and Happy sat across Peter as they ate. Pepper replied, "Don't worry, Tony and me took care of it, they signed a waver at the beginning so they won't say anything and things at school will be the same, just Eugene won't bully you anymore. Which you didn't tell us about. Why is that?"

"I didn't want you guys to be angry or go to his house and threaten him. Knowing Tony he would send a bunch of suits, and himself." Peter said. Tony chuckled nodding, clearly agreeing he would.

Peter and Happy stood leaving so Happy could take the kid to school. Usually Peter would be rambling but he was in his thoughts. Happy worried decided to ask.

"What's wrong kid? You would usually be going on and on by now."




Peter' head snapped up searching for the threat.

"Are you ok?" Happy asked, actually really concerned now. Peter sighed shaking his head and rubbing his eyes.

"Fine. Fine I was just deep in thought sorry. Just something me and Tony talked about yesterday."

"Ok but we made it. Don't space out to much, I don't feel like driving to come and snap you out of whatever's going on."

Peter chuckled grabbing his bag and leaving, saying bye and closing the door. He then walked inside, immediately going to his locker, grabbing his chemistry book and closing his locker, shocked to see flash standing there.

"Listen Peter. I'm sorry I bullied you, and I've been wanting to apologize for a while now but yesterday's proof just pushed me. I'm sorry, I understand if you don't forgive me. See you in chemistry." He waved before leaving. Peter chuckled and whispered.

"Your forgiven." He turned and there stood Ned with a smile. They did their secret handshake as they walked to class.

"Dude you should have seen it yesterday, Flash's face, dude, it was priceless." Ned said chuckled. Peter nodded chuckling as well. Once they entered the classroom they heard people talking about getting a new teacher. Ned and Peter shared a look before sitting next to each other.

They took out there phones and texted each other not wanting people to hear them

GuyInTheChair: Dude what happened yesterday

Spidey: Fury, Coulson, and a bunch of agents came to me and asked if I knew where the rogues where, and I said no, cause I don't, but dude I think they might have people watching me.

GuyInTheChair: DUDE! What if an agent is the new teacher people are talking about.

Peter was about to reply when his spidey sense flared and he looked up to see a new teacher drop their textbook. Peter stood and picked it up and handing it to him. He was quite handsome. Sharp jaw, Bright blue eyes, blonde hair with a stripe of brown.

"Thank you. I'm Mr. Travis. The new chemistry teacher. What's your name?" Mr. Travis asked, even though he knew. This is the boy Fury told him to watch.

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