Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Mani’s point of view

After Tam left all the Elders eyes were on me. I shyly backed away wishing now more than ever that Tam and I still had our mind link. Eventually I was sitting down on the couch and everyone was looking at me.

“Why did you agree to go with them?” One of the Elders asked.

“Why the fuck wouldn’t I?!” I shouted in reply before storming off. I had to find Tam and I had a funny feeling about where she was.

“Mani slow down!” Hikaru huffed and it was only then I realised that I was running the fastest I could run. I sighed and stopped running all together, I ended up skidding into a tree and knocking it down.

“Fuck.” I said when Hikaru and Mia caught up to me.

“Knock down enough trees?” Mia asked me, laughing.

“Fuck up.” I said and started running again, I wasn’t sure if I was running slow enough for Hikaru and Mia to be able to keep up with me but all that didn’t matter now. Now I had to save my stupid ass twin.

We finally got to the old mansion and a wave of relief washed over me when I saw Tam waiting there for us. She was leaning against a tree like she had been there for years.

‘Seriously? She was just waiting for us?!’ I thought to myself angrily. “Hey Tam, you ready?” I called out when I had calmed myself down a little. She turned around and looked a little calmer.

“Yes, now let’s go.” She replied when we were right behind her. We carefully snuck through the back door when Mia spoke up,

“Any idea where Danny is Tam?” She asked, whispering.

“No, we are going to have to look around the best we can.” Tam whispered back. We got to a hallway when all of a sudden it started filling up with fog.

“Oh great.” Hikaru moaned from next to me.

“Quick grab on to someone!” I called out and grabbed onto Hikaru who in turn grabbed onto Mia. However I couldn’t find Tam anywhere. “Tam?!” I called out and tried to look for her but I couldn’t see anything and I ended up outside again. ‘Where is Tam? I hope she is okay…’ I thought to myself as I was frantically looking through the fog for her.

‘Mani! The link is back!’ I heard Tam reply back to me. I stopped in my tracks before jumping for joy and ended up in a tree. The leaves were in my face so I pulled the branch off and carefully aimed just above the houses roof.

‘Really! Yes! What happened to you?’ I thought back to her eventually.

‘There was a trap door and I fell through it I don’t know where I am.’ Tam thought and I jumped out of the tree, landing on the ground as silently as a cat.

‘Well walk around we will find you don’t worry! Just keep an eye out for Patrick and Adrian while looking for Danny’ I thought to her but no sooner had I said that my head felt like it exploded. I let out a scream louder than in my dream and there was only one cause.

Tam was really dead this time.

Last time had just been a taste of how it would feel if it happened for real. This was ten times worse than last time and this time it wasn’t a dream. This was reality.

I look up to see that I was leaning on a tree and I frowned before punching it. It went down like a toy. That made me happier so I kept punching down the trees until Hikaru came over and grabbed my fists. It was only then that I realised I was crying. The look on his face melted my anger and I fell into his chest. This must have been how he felt when he lost Yuki.

Supernatural Academy (Book 1 In The Supernatural Series) *UNDER EDITING*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя