Chapter 16

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While I was talking with Mani about the hybrids I noticed Danny had a monster energy drink in his bag. I smiled to myself.

"Then those people are stupid." Mani said. 

"I know right!" I said.

I walked over to Danny and hugged him. As I hugged him I took the monster out of his bag. "Cya." I said smiling and walked off.

 I went to open the monster and drank it all. This would teach Mani to wake up before me. I didnt know why she did. 

My memory was really fuzzy from last night. I couldnt remember a thing.

As I was walking to my next class I saw Mani, Hikaru and Danny runnign to theirs. Mani seemed to be running faster because Danny and Hikaru looked like they were running their fastest. 

I hid around the corner before the could see me. "What are you doing hidding?" I heard a voice behind me. 

I turned around to see one of the Hybrids. He looked really familiaar but I couldnt remember where I saw him.

He had black hair and green eyes he looked around the age of 17. "Ummmmm nothign just hiding from my friends." I said. 

"Oh, okay then. Well Im Jordan." He said smiling. "Im Tam." I said. I saw the time and saw I had to get to class. 

"Sorry I have to go but it was nice meeting you Jordan." I said turning and running off. I arrived at my class just in time. 

"Hey Tam, get your ass over here." I turned to see my werewolf friends already in their wolf forms. I couldnt talk through mine yet.  I changed into my wolf an joined them. 

Recess came around pretty fast. I decided to find Mani because Danny might be with them. I walked off to find them. I saw Mani and Hikaru sitting with each other. 

"whats-up." I said really fast. I am guessing the Monster kicked in.

"You stole Dannys monster didnt you?" Mani asked.


"Yeah, right."


"Then why are you speaking really fast?"

"Because you stole my energy drink." I heard Danny's voice from behind me.

I turned around and smiled. "Nooooooooo. Because-I-feel-like-it."

"Righhhhhhhht. Can I have it back?" 


"Yeah. Wait you drank it all?"

I sighed nodded my head and threw the empty can at him.

"What was that for?" 


I ran off pretty fast then.

-----------------2 weeks later---------------

"GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" I shouted running into Mani's room jumping on her bed. That was a mistake.

Mani had gotten her full vampire strength which meant she was a lot stronger then me. The next thing I knew I was in my room with a sore head.

'Gee thanks for hitting me.' I thought to her. 

'You desereved it.'

'No I didnt.'

'Yeah you did.'





I went to mind hit her before she put up her wall. I hit the wall and went flying backwords onto my bed.

"Love you too." I mumbled as I got ready. I decided to wear A black hoodie wth blue on it and kitty ears on the hood, my grey skinnie jeans and sneakers.

I walked down into the kitchen to see Mani wearing the skirt she wore on our very first day at school, a black t-shirt and boots. "Ready for school?" Mani asked.

"Ready to talk to your boyfriend?" I said as we left.

"How many times to I have to tell you. He is not my boyfriend and I dont like him. What about you and Danny huh? You two seem to of gotten closer."


"Yeah you do."

"NO!" I said mind hitting her.

I could feel Mani death glaring me all the way to school. As soon as we got there I saw Hikaru come up to us. I had a question on my mind for a while now.

"Hey Hikaru why dont you like Danny?" I asked.

"Its not that. I just dont trust him because well we are both related to one of the very first vampires and we just find it hard to trust each other."

"Oh. Well then. WAIT YOUR RELATED-"

Hikaru covered my mouth.

"Yes I am but dont say it too loud you dont know who could be listening."

I nodded my head and left for my class.

"Hey Tam." I turned around and saw Danny.

"Hey whats up?"

"They sky."

"Very funny."

"Yes I am one of the most funniest people you have ever met."

"No you are not."

"Hurtful much."

I smiled and walked away. I couldnt help but feel like I was being followed. I looked around and saw no one.

I turned and kept walking when I saw Jordan. "What are you looking at?" I asked as I walked up to him.

"I think there is a bird up there that is hurt. But I dont know."

"Well you could go up and see."

"Nah. It can suffer."

He ran off. I looked up and saw the bird. It did look hurt. I could climb trees but not very well. I climbed up and grabbed the bird and got down.

It started glowing I put it down on the ground and saw that it transformed into Hayley.



Okay thats the end :) Tell us what you think. The pic at the side is Jordan n.n

Supernatural Academy (Book 1 In The Supernatural Series) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now