Chapter 10

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Tam's Point Of View

I was half way home when I sensed something coming towards me. I moved to the side before I could get hit and saw a blur run right past me. I didn’t catch its sense but I could see it heading near our house. ‘What if it’s going to our house. MANI!’ I thought before turning into Mannaro and running home at full speed. ‘I hope no one saw me…..’ I thought as I turned back and walked inside.

I walked into the door and Mani's sent was all over the place, I covered my nose. "Man, I never knew how bad her sent is." I said walking up to my room. When I walked in it was a bigger mess then I had left it. My clothes were everywhere, my half made bed was destroyed. I growled and went into Mani's room. Her sent was all over my room and everything.

"What did you do to my room?" I shouted as I came in the door.

"What do you mean? I have been talking to Hikaru pretty much the whole time!" She shouted back at me. ‘Hikaru?’ I thought. "Yeah, you were away long enough to mess up my room!" I shouted. ‘Now you’re grumpy.’ Mannaro thought. ‘Oh really? I thought I was calm.’ I thought right back.

“Did you smell my scent in there?" Mani asked bringing me back from my argument with Mannaro. "Well duh it’s all over the house." I said mind hitting her, she deserved it.  "OW! Stop it! I did not repeat DID NOT! Enter your room! If I had, it would only be clothes that will be missing." She shouted.

"Really?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes!" She started sending me memories from when she got home from school, I started getting a headache. I hated it when she done that to me. One of the few things we can do through the mind link. None of us know what else we can do other than, talk, mind hit, mind block and send memories.

"Fine I believe you! Just stop!" I shouted, she stopped and I wacked her as hard as I could in her head with my mind, I knew I gave her a killer headache. "What was that for!?" She asked "For sending all those memories! I don't need them and now my head hurts!" I said storming out the room, I started making myself some noodles when I came up with a plan. I got up and focused my energy and started continuously hitting her with my mind.

I was about to give her my biggest hit when she put up her wall. I hit the wall of her mind and bounced back. I hit the wall in the kitchen and fell down, a painting mum made came falling down. I avoided it just in time. ‘Great, my twin nearly killed me without knowing she did.’ I thought to myself.

 "When the hell did you learn that?!" I shouted getting up, my headache was worse so I fell back on the floor. "Learn what?!" She asked.  "You hit me with your mind! And damn that hurts!" I said realising she was coming down. "Nah shit." She said. "And I have no idea, all I did was bring up my wall!" she walked into the kitchen. "Get over it, I have to put up with it all the time." She said to me, patting my head.

"But it hurts!" I said complaining. ‘Please stop complaining.’ Mannaro thought. ‘Butt out of it.’ I thought. "Here, princess." Mani said handing me a panadol and water.  Mum and dad came into the house then and see pots and pans around Mani and me just standing there.

"What did you girls do now?" Dad asks us. We both start telling our sides of the story at the same time and dad holds his ears. Me being a loud person when I want to be started shouting. Dad covered his ears. "Stop, one at a time." He shouted.

"She hit me!" We both said and dad sighed. "Well I figured that much." We open out mouths to speak but he put his hands in front of them. "Jenna, can you tell the girls what we found out today?" 

"Find out what?" I ask moving out of dads reach. "Your Uncle Adrian is coming to visit for a couple of weeks." Mum said smiling .‘NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO’ I thought.

"A COUPLE OF WEEKS!" Mani shouted. "Yes calm down." Dad said. "When does he get here?" I asked. "Tomorrow." Mum and Dad said, Mani sighed and went up to her room. “Well I have my room to clean.” I said walking past mum and dad. “Make it spotless this time Tam.” Mum said. I walked up to my room.

'Talking to your boyfriend?' I thought to her. 'SHUT UP!' She thought blocking me out. I sighed and started cleaning my room. Once I finished I fell asleep.

I woke up to see it was 4 in the morning. Because Mani was a vampire we had to get up early. I ran into her room and saw she was peacefully sleeping.

I ran up and started jumping and mind hitting her to get up. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" I shouted.

"I'M UP! OKAY!" She shouted back. I got off and ran into my room to get changed. I put on my black tank top with white skulls, my blue jeans, converse's and belt.

I grabbed my bag and a banana. Mani came down wearing a black skirt, a white t-shirt with a heart on it and sneakers.

We went and walked to school.


Okay end of the chapter :) Tell us what you think. The photo on the side is what Mani and Tam are wearing.

Supernatural Academy (Book 1 In The Supernatural Series) *UNDER EDITING*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora