Chapter 17

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Soon after Tam left I ran into none other than Hikaru himself. I smiled and he did to.

"Listen, there is something I have to get off my chest..." He started saying.

"Yes?" I replied.

"This is something you need to know as well, it's something to do with vampires. Powerful ones like us."

"Just spit it out!" I said and he sighed.

"Well powerful vampires can sense what some would call their ‘soul mates’ but it’s not love at first site, but are they compelled to be with only them. It also doesn’t have to be the same species...That is how I have felt about you ever since I saw you..." My eyes widened before I realised that when I got my full power that is what happened to me as well.

"I think the same thing happened to me when I saw you for the first time when I got my full power..." I could feel my heart beating twice the speed of what it normally was, my palms were getting sweaty to.

"So, I guess the only question left is; will you be my girlfriend?" I couldn't speak so I just nodded my head really fast. He smiled hugely, showing his fangs and I showed my still small ones. I wondered if they would ever grow? Oh well, who cares at the moment?

'I knew it!' I heard Tam say in my head. I frowned, making sure Hikaru didn't see me.

'Shut up!' I replied.

'We'll you can't keep stuff from your twin. Especially if you have a mind like like ours!'

'So then I can go tell Danny the good news?'

'What good news?'

'That you guys can go out to!'

'I thought I told you; I DON'T LIKE DANNY!'

'Well, he likes you...Poor bugger.'

'What! Really?!'

'Man you mustn't be very bright then! You can't even tell when I am lying in my head!' She mind slapped me so I put my wall back up.

"Oh, and I ran into Tam this morning." Hikaru randomly said as we were walking to our strength class.

"What did she have to say?" I was a bit worried because Tam being Tam could have said anything.

"She just asked why I don't like Danny."

"Actually, I had been wondering that to...So why don't you then?" He told me what I told Tam and I had to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, Tam has a thing for Danny so I just find it funny that we are twins so we have to be related and you guys are related to the first vampire so you're related to Danny." I was still laughing but he didn't see it. "Lighten up! But now that I think about it, all I know about you is that you're half Japanese. Do you have any brothers or sisters?" That caused him to smile and almost laugh.

"Well, I have an older brother named Paul, and two younger sisters named Julia and Haruko. Haruko is still in primary school and Julia is in year eight, she and my brother go here by the way. You might have seen them around. Paul is a year twelve so you might not have seen him. So, is it just you and Tam or do you have other brothers or sisters to?"

"Nope, it's just me and Tam. Mum and dad didn't want another set of twins because apparently we were horrible when we were little so they decided that it would only be me and Tam but we don't mind, but when we fight it's horrible."


"We don't have anyone else there to calm us down and there is another reason but I can't say."

Supernatural Academy (Book 1 In The Supernatural Series) *UNDER EDITING*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang