Chapter 11

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After mum and dad told us what the big secret was I went into my room and got my laptop back out and logged back onto Facebook when I heard Tam say in my head,

'Talking to your boyfriend?'

'SHUT UP!' I thought back before putting my wall back up. I looked back to the screen and saw that Hikaru had indeed popped up on chat. I could feel my face going red. (A/N I am going to write the conversation in bold because it is on the computer and not in 'real' life.)

'Hey :)' Hikaru sent me.

'What up? :)' I replied.

'The sky xD But I do have to ask you something that has been bothering me though...'

'Ask away...' I could feel my face going even redder and I forgot to keep my wall up so the next thing I heard in my head was,

'Get a room!' Tam said.

'Were on Facebook, idiot.' I sent back to her. I heard the Facebook chat noise so I looked back down at the chat box thingo I was talking to Hikaru in.

'How did you bring your sister back to life?' He sent me.

'Where did you see that?!' I replied.

'Ummmmm...I dont really wanna answer that...'

'If you answer that I will tell you how I did it.' There was a long pause so I opened up YouTube and pulled looked Host Club up. We were talking about it before because apparently his name is in there somewhere and I said I would watch it.

'Alright...Most powerful vampires can tell what another person they talk to is like...and im pretty sure that it was your last class where you saved your sisters life before i met you so...' I was pretty sure he was lieing, but I went along with it.

'If you say so...Anyway, with the saving Tam thing. I am one of those vampires that has an extra power. Mine is bringing the dead back to life, no matter what they died from. The only set back is if the person who died didn't have a soul and I'm guessing if the soul has already been reincarnated.' There was another long break.


'Oh, and by the way. Don't lie to me.'

'How did you know???'

'I'm a vampire :P'

'So am I!' Our conversation pretty much went like that until mum made me go to bed. The next morning I woke up to Tam jumping on me, mind hitting me and shouting

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" "I'M UP! OKAY!" I shouted back. rolling out of bed. I went to say something else but she was already gone and I didn't want to take my wall down again. I got up off of the floor and wished I was a werewolf so I could growl.

It was four in the morning for crying out loud! I grabbed my clothes an chucked them on. I couldn't be bothered doing my hair so I just left it. I put on a bit of make-up. I looked in my reflection and decided that I would actually put my hair up. I decided on piggy tails that covered my ears. I was covering my ears because even though I am a vampire, I still have the same pointed ears werewolves have because of Tam. Sometimes it annoyed me but most of the time it was alright.

I could smell someone cooking something really good so I half ran into the kitchen, only to realise the smell was coming from next door.

"What smells so good?" I heard Tam ask. She must have been a few steps behind me.

"Next doors breakfast..." I replied.


"Good morning girls." Dad said when he saw us.

"Morning." We both said.

"Oh, you might want to get going by the way. Your about to miss your bus." We both groned and left for school, even though we knew we probably wouldn't be able to get on the bus.

"See ya!" We both called out as we ran for the bus. I was sick of the bullying.

All our life we have been bullied because we were different, even though we went to a normal human school when we were kids growing up. But because we were a vampire and werewolf we tended to keep to ourself and if anyone came up to us we would ask them which twin they were talking to, because we had a school uniform and we had to wear our long hair up so no one knew which one was which. They would say 'both of you' and then we would say 'there is no one here named both of you' then they would call us silly and we would continue asking if they knew which twin was Mani and which one was Tam, eventually they would go away and we would continue doing what we were doing.

Now that we are in high school though, that has all changed.

We got to the bus stop and noticed that no one was there yet and the bus was coming. I smiled at Tam and she smiled back. But we kept on walking, screw the bus.  We were walking for a while when I pulled out my phone to check my Facebook. I had a message from Hikaru so we chatted for a until we got to school and met up in person.

'I am really starting to like him...' I thought, my face going ever so slightly red and I didn't care if Tam heard me.


So I was stuck on what picture to post so I decided on the whole Host Club :) Anyway, sorry for taking a while to write this chapter. I wrote about five chapters of one of my other stories on my personal account in about two days and I couldn't find the will to even type my school password, let alone another chapter. I'm back to normal now though :) Next chapter is Tams. Have a good weekend wherever you are!


Supernatural Academy (Book 1 In The Supernatural Series) *UNDER EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora