Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I smiled it was the full moon and I really want to remember this one. The last one I somehow forgot the whole thing.

I skipped down from my room and saw Mani, Mia, Hikaru and Danny lying around on the ground.

Mum, Dad and Uncle Adrian were out so I was hoping they would be fine. I jumped onto Mani's lap who was sitting on the couch.

Both of us fell to the ground. I was laughing and Mani was glaring at me.

"What did you do that for?" She asked. I smiled. "I'm bored and you all are just sitting around doing NOTHING!" I shouted.

"Fine let’s go to the beach!” Mani said. We all looked at her confused.

"Come on its a really cloudy day. Let’s go have some fun before it gets dark and then the puppy will have to get locked up." She said.

 "Hey!" I shouted and she looked at me and smiled.

"Oh toughen up princess." She said. I turned around and walked out of the house and everyone followed. "You know what’s funny?" I said.

"What?" Mia asked. "You all are slower than me and I don’t have my full power." I said.

Mani glared at me. "Well you can’t change into Mannaro or you won’t turn back and who knows what Mannaro will do." She said.

I glared at her. “Shut up!” I said turning around.

We all arrived at the beach in the slowest amount of time. It took about an hour.

“Well that took longer than expected.” Hikaru said. I smiled when I saw he was standing with Mani near the water. “Hey Mia?” I said.

Mia came skipping over. “What?” She asked. “You can push Hikaru into the water and I will push Mani?” I said.

She smiled. “YES!” She shouted. I covered her mouth. Hikaru and Mani didn’t hear. We smiled and slowly walked over to them.

As I was about push Mani. She grabbed me as Mia pushed Hikaru. Hikaru kept his balance but Mani and I feel into the water.

I heard Danny, Hikaru and Mia laughing as I stood up and walked out of the water. “Why?” I asked Mani and she smiled.

‘You forgot the link didn’t you?’ She thought to me.

“Fudge cake.” I said kicking the water.

“She forgot about the link didn’t she?” Hikaru asked.

Mani nodded her head while the others laughed. I glared and mind hit her. “HEY! UN CALLED FOR!” Mani shouted. I poked my tongue at her.

I got out of the water and Mani covered her nose. “Wet dog smell.” She mumbled. “Hey your fault!” I said smiling.

Everyone covered their noses now. I frowned, “It’s not that bad.” I said fake crying.

“Hey Tam we didn’t mean to its okay.” I heard Danny, Hikaru and Mia say while Mani was laughing. I really can trick people when I want to.

Danny was coming over to comfort me. I knew he didn’t want me to hug him because my clothes were drenched and I smelt like wet dog.

When he came over to me I smiled and hugged him tight. “HEY THAT’S CHEATING!” He shouted. I let go of him and smiled. “No its not.” I said turning away and walking off.

I skipped over to Mani and Hikaru who were just sitting in the sand. I looked around and noticed Mia was nowhere to be seen.

“Um, where is Mia?” I asked. Mani and Hikaru looked around. “I don’t know.” They both said. Danny came walking over to us.

Supernatural Academy (Book 1 In The Supernatural Series) *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now