48. hard times

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"Have you lost your damn mind! I'm supposed to keep this a secret? Do you realize what your dad is going to do to you? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you two, but you broke one of those damn rules you all live by. And don't get me started on what the guys are going to say. Dammit, Warren, in the middle of...whatever's going on, you had time to go rescue Zoe from wherever she was and get married? Then you didn't even fücking invite me to the wedding. I'm really mad about that detail too. "

"You probably would've talked me out of it. They've broken rules before, like taking a girl with family for one" he tipped his head back to me.

I watched as Warren and Mila argued in the front seats. We were driving somewhere completely unknown to me. I had no idea where and Warren wouldn't tell me either. I almost didn't care where we were going because I finally had my girls with me.

We waited hours for Mila to get to us. We met her half-way, but the issue was with transportation. She had rented a car but decided not to drive it for some reason. Warren just told me she was taking precautions. A man in his mid-20s dropped her and the girls off then left. I didn't even know she was coming with us because they weren't telling me what was happening.

They just kept talking and yelling. She kept having to lower her voice for the girls. For awhile Warren seemed really mad while we waited. I didn't feel like getting into it with him, so I just stayed silent in the car like a nice newlywed wife. That's my goal at the moment- stay out of trouble and don't give him or the guys a reason to make me disappear again...even if he says he wouldn't do that to me. I'll believe it when we get home and the guys don't make us get an annulment or convince him that something else is a good idea when it's not.

Mila was the one to spot the ring on my finger while we were strapping in the girls. I kind of forgot I was wearing a ring. They were knocked out sleep when she brought them and they had all my focus. I wanted to wake them up, but I fought the urge and just held their sleeping hands. "Um Zo, what's on your finger and what are you wearing!?" she said looking at Warren like she already knew the answer. Warren replied for me "Oh. Well, I decided that it was a good idea for us to just get married, so we did...tonight..at the old church...with my friends as witnesses."

I guess that was as smooth as he could say it. And here we were an hour later and they were still arguing about his decision and what it meant for the family. At least they didn't argue non stop. Warren told her not to say anything and that he would tell the family. The two of them seemed to be in distress. The only thing I could think about was maybe the girl that shot Pav came back to finish the job, or maybe Dana made her way back and stabbed Zac. No one was telling me.

We drove all night. I fell asleep and awoke to the sound of the door slamming shut. I knew I slept a long time, but it felt so good like I caught up on my punished lack of sleep. I looked at the radio and it said 9 am...9 am!? How the heck did we drive for 8 hours without me waking up. Did Warren ever sleep or did he just keep going? Mila was outside the truck stretching and the girls were still asleep.

We had finally made it to our destination. I looked out the windows and there was nothing but snow covered trees, thick snow on the ground and one cabin with nothing else around it right in front of us. It wasn't super big, but it had enough space for us.
It was partly two stories from the outside looking in.

 It was partly two stories from the outside looking in

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