22. Same Crap. Different Day.

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**Warren's POV**

"If you're going to be fücking every girl in Denver, then I'm just saying why are you even with Zo. I dont think she's really even you type, honestly. Then you all had the nerve to get mad when she made out with one guy at the club"

Mila is fiery as hell & loves to over exaggerate some times. For some reason she's standing up for Zo. I mean I know they've become pretty close, but from what I know about her, she normally has an 'I don't wanna know what goes on in the dark' mentality. I don't know why Will thought it was smart to talk about girls he fücked over the holiday. Normally Mila couldn't care less about Will's sex life & would just let him bang who he wants.

I mean Zo is a step away from being family so maybe that's why. That's really the only reason I can think of why she would even care.

I love spending time with Zo, when I can. Zac has been a bit close fisted with her lately. Its supposed to be first call & evenly shared time with her, but that's not happening right now. I know she's not some rental car to pass around & ride, but I want my time with her soon.

Since Thanksgiving, four days ago, Zac's kept her mostly in his room. He let her go to the guest room to get some clothes & to get the baby girls, which stay with her most of the time. Other then that, I've barely seen her or gotten to talk to her. He wants to have a meeting with us later. I'm interested in why. It must have to do with Zo, since if it was business stuff, I wouldn't be included.

It might sound selfish, but I want Zo in my bed. I miss her there. After her little running away stunt, and my anger over it, we made up and I haven't looked back. When I heard about her making out with Mila's friend, it made me a little angry, but not like Will & Zac. She got drunk & it happened. It's not like they fücked. That would've made me really angry just like any other normal guy. That was the only positive thing about Pav being 'sleep'. I know if he was Awake, they probably would've beat the hell out of Zo and I wouldn't have participated, but I couldn't have stopped them either.

I know out of all of us, she wants to be in my room & my bed even just to sleep. At least I hope that's the truth. I don't force her into anything, but sometimes I'm horny & tempted to press it. I want her in my arms. I know It's self-centered, but I don't want to share her anymore. We know Zac secretly doesn't either, well I guess it's not too secret since he has her locked away. The only issue is I could never say my feelings to the guys. Just like they wouldn't say there's to me. In fact, my brother and Zac would probably try to kick my ass. I'm still trying to see how much Will really wants her as his. Sometimes he seems indifferent to the matter.

Right now Will & I volunteered to take Mila to the airport. She was supposed to leave the other day, but right after Thanksgiving, it snowed & since the house is in the mountains, the snow blocked us in for 3 days. She said bye to Zo and the girls. She told her she'd try to make it back in a few weeks for Christmas if she could. I know she'll be here if she doesn't want to get crap from all of our parents. It's our unchanging tradition.

I waited for an answer from Will. I love my cousin, but Mila was right. She wanted an answer just like I did. I'm pretty sure he's just trying to fück his emotions for Zo away. All that crap about the word love being overused that he always spills. My thing is why doesn't he just let her go & be free to have other women. I know I'm bias on the issue, since I have my own agenda. He just wants her to sit on a shelf for he can use her whenever he doesn't want to drive the minimum 45 minutes for any other hot female interaction.

"What I do with my cöck is none of your business Mila. If I want to stick my dïck in every woman in Colorado, you should stay out of it. It has nothing to do with you, sis. Also, Zo belongs to us meaning her lips do too. You weren't watching her grind against your little island friend like we did. She probably would've let him bang her, if Lucas didn't step in when he did" He said in frustration. You could tell he was thinking back to the scene.

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