13. Just Fine

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They were looking at me as though I had the cancel codes to stop a bomb. Waiting in anticipation.

I stared at the results.
"Wow according to this, none of you are the father. I guess that means you're breaking one of your 10 rules. This is crazy. I guess in was immaculate conception. This really hurts me more then it hurts you. I guess we know what that means. I'll miss you all"

The only one laughing was Mila. At least someone found my wishfull joke funny. "So someone's told you our rules, I see." He looked frustrated at Mila.

"What. you didn't say it was a damn secret. How the fück am I supposed to know something is secret if I'm never told!" Her voice rose in anger as well as her hand gestures

"Mila, cut the bullshït. We love you, but we also know your fictitious angry voice when we hear it. So if you would kindly leave Zo to us, we'd all appreciate it."

She shrugged "It always worked on my ex's. Besides, from what I've heard, Zo & I are new found friends. Isn't that right Zo." She looked at me, trying to bring me back into the conversation, I started.

"I dont think I ever said that, did I. but sure I guess. I could always have a friend" I said while staring at Warren. He looked back at me while taking a bite of bread. What's wrong with him, I thought.

"See, you all. Friends talk, so fück you all. Even though I still love you" Willem rolled his eyes at her. I wish I cold get away with talk like that. "Zo, the truth, Now!" He said

I took a deep breath. "Its Zac" I wanted to cry at this news. Looking at the results brought pain to my heart due to the fact that now it was real. There was no denying one of them was seed donator. I didnt want any of them to be the father, but that's not plausible. At least Zac had his solo time with them. At least he seams to care about them.

Zac is the father of Remie & Aiva. How could it be. Pav forced me first. Way more times then Zac. The first time I slept with Zac, was after Willem & Pav, if I remember correctly,  but I guess it is what it is. I guess part of me knew it was probably him. "Congratulations Zac, your sperm swam the fastest then your cousins" I said with little emotion.

He looked like he didnt believed me. He took the papers from my hands & looked them over. He smiled seeing that I was telling the truth. I wonder what Pav's going to think of this new found information. I think he wanted the girls to be his, almost just as much as Zac. William may be disappointed but he's not showing it. He just seems indifferent to the news.

Zac leaned over to my ear "See baby, good things come to those who wait. Would you have guessed 3 plus years ago that you'd be having my kids & you'd be mine" I looked at my plate as his words sank in.

I quietly responded to him, so no one else would hear. I didn't need or want them all ganging up on me for no reason. "No Zac, I would've never seen myself here in this situation. I dont tend to fantasize about my life being taken away & controlled, but I have no choice in the matter. I'm all yours...& your dear loving cousins" I added sarcastically about his abusive cousins.

"I think I'm going to go to bed now. I've had a long day" I said so everyone could hear. I tried to stand up and leave but Zac grabbed my hand "be in my room in 15 minutes" he replied before letting go.

I didnt say anything, I just went to check on the girls, who were still sleep. Then I went to Warren's bathroom. I had kept all my night routine things in there, since I made his room my own while he was away at the hospital. I was happy he didn't move it all out in anger. That means I can still have hope for him to be his old sweet & annoying self. I want him to hold me & tell me it's all going to be ok because he mostly has my back.

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