5. Good things, bad people

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Hi happy people. I hope you all are enjoying your day wherever you are. This chapter is fairly long. I figure since it's the last book (that's the plan), I can get longer ones in here.

Enjoy the chapter, let me know what you think. 😊 If I left out a detail in this chapter, let me know 😇😃


"Zac! You are not making me stay out here. That's B.S! They are my daughter's & I have a right to go in. What happend to the nice Zac that was around last week"

"Zo! You need to calm the hell down. I'm just taking them in for a check-up. You'll be fine out here with Lucas... & that nice Zac is still around, but you keep pushing my buttons. I'm trying to be nice to you now, beautiful"

I narrowed my eyes at him. The hard metal of the handcuffs dug into my wrist, as I tried to free myself from the constraints. I guess they decied to surprise me with this crap, when we arrived. They probably did it now so they wouldn't hear my objections the whole time here.

He was making me stay out with Mr. silent Hulk, while he took the girls into the pediatrician. We were in Pav's SUV. I was in the middle seat next to the girls, that he took out as I protested.

Lucas was in the passenger seat, so Zac could drive. When we arrived, Zac parked at the farthest parking space from the building. He really doesn't trust me..."& here I thought we'd made so much progress in our relationship". The sarcasm filled my thoughts, as I pondered the situation.

"Come on Zac. I've never missed an appointment with them. We can go in as a couple."

"Oh yes, because that worked so well last time, didn't it" his sarcasm filled the car as he reached in to take out Aiva & stick her in the stroller in front of Remie.

"Technically you missed a doctors appointment in El Paso, but we'll let that slide. Love you babe" he slammed the door shut before I could release my anger and mentioned that that was his fault for taking them away.

"Bastard!" I yelled out, as I watched him wheel the girls away.

I turned and looked at Lucas. He is definitely a man of few words. "Lucas, um I have to use the bathroom" I replied after staring at him for 5 minutes. I didn't really need to, but it was worth a try.

He didn't reply. He pulled down his visor & looked back at me in the mirror. I reached my cuffed hands over quickly to pull on the door handle. He didn't even more. "Really! child lock. I'm not a child & the girls can't open the dam locks, so why are they on" I said in frustration.

"Maybe because you act like a fückin child" Lucas barely says anything to me & he chose now to do it with an insult. He said it in a passive should be obvious sort of way.

"Excuse me! Who do you think you are. You're just a glorified babysitter anyway. Where did they get you- right outside the prison gates. "He acted like he was ignoring me.

"How long were you in prison being someone's be-yatch, before you got out to be the guys be-yatch" I looked at him with a smug look. A look of thinking I know something without it actually being proven.

He shook his head & opened the passenger side door where he was sitting. As soon as he stepped out, I knew it wasn't to stretch his legs or something. I pushed down the lock on the door where I was, with my cuffed hands. I wasn't thinking the obvious that he would pop it up from the front.

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