Chapter 4: The Plan & Allen

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Cait's POV
I had gotten home from school fifteen minutes ago when Felicity called me.

"Hey, what's up?" I say.

"Nothing much. I just wanted to know if you were okay with what I told you about Barry," she says

"Yeah, I'm okay, I mean I actually thought he was a nice guy, like how he acted today was really nice," I say defending him.

"Cait, I don't want to sound harsh, but don't mistake a hot nice guy with a hot fuckboy, Okay?" She says and I understood her.

"Yeah I know, sorry, anyway, are we still on for you know that thing about Barry?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean if you want to. You know, I'm so glad you came to this school, he deserves it," she says giggling.

"Yeah, let's just go as plan and everything will be okay," I say. "Well then I guess will be going to that party he invited me to, so we'll have to go to a shopping spree, are you in?" I asked.

"Yeah!! It'll be fun, I'll see you tomorrow bye!" She says and hanged up after I said bye.

I don't know what I think about Barry right now, but he sure deserves what will come to him. And one more thing, I'm surprised that there weren't any bitches at school.

Barry POV
I had gotten home from school and the guys were already there waiting for me to arrive. "Hey! Let's go, we're gonna be late!" I yelled to the guys.

"Alright!" Yelled Oliver. I went inside my house to get the bags that I put in my closet. I drove to Hollywood, which took almost 45 minutes and made me late to the meeting. We arrive at an abandoned warehouse around 5.

"Okay, I'll go get the money while you, Oli, and Angel, turn in the drugs, while you three watch, and call me if you see any funny business, okay?" I say and they all nod.

I go to the warehouse and turn to the left to find two guys waiting for me, Cruz and his minion. 

"Your late!" Cruz yells and I just shrug.

"Not my problem, maybe you should find a place that's near LA," I say.

"Next time you're late, you get less of your money. Don't get cocky with me, just because you've handed the drugs on time for the past six months doesn't mean you get a free pass for being late," he says.

"Whatever, my boys took your filthy drugs in the back, where's the money?" I asked and Cruz nodded towards the guy next to him, who had a black bag.

"There you go," Cruz says. "See you next month, Allen."

"See ya, Cruz," I say and leave the warehouse. Oli, Angel and the rest of the guys were waiting in the car already. "Okay let's go, we're going to the mansion to leave the supplies," I say and we drove to a mansion just near Beverly Hills. When we arrived I told the guys to give a portion of the supplies to each of the families. "If there are any supplies left, leave them in the spare room. Tell them they can get more if they need it. Okay?" I say and they nod.

I couldn't bring myself to leave the car just yet. I had to think of a plan to get Caitlin's trust. I wasn't going to lose the bet. I'm the one to not lose a bet and I wasn't going to start now. As things turned out after school with Caitlin, it looked like she was believing me, still, I don't think she's on my side. I should have warned her about blabbermouth.

"Hey, Barry! Someone's here to meet you" Jackson says.

"Okay, tell them I'll be right there," I say and grabbed the bag of money. I went inside and there was a new family for me to meet. After minutes later, I met Scott, who was going to go to school and live with me, while his family lived in a mansion in LA, to be closer to him. "Angel drives one of the cars, will be taking Scott's family to LA, when you get there give them a portion of the supplies and explain them the rules. When you get there text me," I say and he nodded. "Were leaving in ten, tell Jackson to put the money in the safe."

The guys always got their part of the money two weeks after we received the money from Cruz. Since we had other people we worked with, they paid in the middle of those two weeks, and I would have enough money to contribute to the guys. There was one gang we didn't work with. Gonzalez. If you hadn't noticed I didn't have any supervising from my parents right now and that's because they're dead. They died six months ago and Gonzalez killed them both. I've been trying to find him, but we haven't had any leads, yet I wasn't going to give up. He was going to pay for what he did, he can hide, but not for long, I'll get him to get out of his hole, whatever it takes.

"We're ready," Oli says.

"Okay, let's go," I say and the guys head to the car, Angel taking the new family to LA and Scott riding with me. "Scott, let's go, I'll explain things when we arrive at my place," I say and he said okay.

When we arrived in LA, I took the guys to their homes and then I went to mine. Scott and I went to the house and I showed him to his room. "Well you'll be a junior with me and you will visit your family if and only we go to the mansion and as you should know I have 4, we only visit them 2 times each in a month, Okay?"

"So I'll have to wait?"

"Yes, we can't have you be followed, or they'll kill, not only your family but everyone in the mansion," I say. "Although you can call them, they'll have some electronics, to entertain themselves, but you can only call them for five minutes, got it?" I say.

"Yes, I understand. So, What now?" He asked.

"Tomorrow we have school, so go take a shower and get some rest. And thanks for being apart of my family's business,"

"I'm doing this for my family," he says.

"I understand if I needed money I'd be doing the same thing. Oh, and one more thing, you will be my distant cousin, Alright?"

"I mean if you say so, but we-" he started saying, we did not look like we were related. He had browns eyes, light brown skin, black hair. They sure weren't gonna believe it.

"They will believe it. Well says it on my dad's side. They'll believe that" I say and he leaves to his room.

Now with Caitlin. I went to my room and sat on my bed. Slowly laying down on my back I started thinking about ways of how I could earn Caitlin's trust. The harder I thought about it, the faster I started to fall asleep.

Hey guys!

I finished my finals and it has been almost two weeks since. I said I was gonna post on the fourteen of February but I decided to post early since I finished the chapter early.

So here you go! Enjoy!
~Mari ❤️🤪

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