Chapter 26: Information

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Cait's POV
Throughout the whole day, I tried to minimize the amount of socializing I had to do. I certainly didn't want to cross paths with Barry again... at least for right now. I think he needs to cool down for a bit before I try to talk to him again. Besides I'm gonna have to put this situation aside for a bit and work on getting information for Gonzalez.

I had been lucky for a couple of weeks now. He hadn't paid a visit and he hadn't pressured me since our last talk. Yet, somehow I had a feeling he was gonna pop out of nowhere again to have another one of his "pep talks." So tonight I was planning on talking to Dylan about a few things before our relationship got exclusive. I think I'll get something out of him that will be important for Gonzalez. I mean I hope it will be.

As the last ten minutes of school approached, I got a text from Dylan asking if we could hang out after school, which I agreed to.

As soon as that bell rang, I sped off to my locker and put my books away. I was in such a hurry I didn't realize Felicity was right behind me when I closed my locker. I turned around and there she was with her arms crossed and glaring at me.

"Oh.. heyy Felicity."

She arched one eyebrow still glaring at me and says, "Do you have anything ELSE to say?"

"Umm.." I look at her sparkly black heels and say, "Nice heels?..." I stated it it as a question just to lighten the mood a bit.

"Thanks, but I was talking about your love triangle," she says while putting her hands on her waist.

"Oh...that, yeah I was totally gonna tell you. Just not today. Tomorrow?" I ask.

"You better, I'll be expecting a FaceTime from you tomorrow, Miss Caitlin Snow," she says with a big grin on her face.

"Okay then, I got to go, but I'll definitely call you," I say walking away and waving goodbye.

"Kay," she yells back.

I hurried over to my car and sped off to my house. I was very much panicking because I was going to ask a lot of questions and I couldn't make it obvious that I was trying to be nosy. I thought it'd be best if I came up with a list of questions.

I wrote on a piece of paper,
Number 1: Are you a gang leader like Barry?
Number 2: Why did you come after all this time?
Number 3: Are you two planning something?
Number 4: what's your deal with the Gonzalez gang?
I had only thought of four and I think this was as best as I was gonna get.

I put on a little lipstick, fixed my hair, and put my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed the piece of paper and put it in my coats pocket. Dylan had texted that he was in front of my house, so I hurriedly walked down the stairs, grabbed my keys, and left out the door.

"Hey," I say as I got in his car and he replied with a hey back. "So where we going?"

"Wherever you wanna go"

"Why don't we plan a picnic? We can go shopping and go to that park we went to the first time."

He nodded to the idea, "Alright let's go." We went to a supermarket that was closer to the park and bought some fruit, crackers, and other ingredients to make a few sandwiches. "Can't forget about cake," I say as I picked out a chocolate cake with a few strawberries on top.

When we arrived, we set a blanket on the grass, which he had in his trunk, and set everything down. "Reminds you of the first time?" He asks

"Definitely. When we were sneaking around," I say as I take a bite of a cracker.

"I should have told Barry about us that day, huh?"

"No. I should have told him." I say as laid down on the blanket. "You know he definitely hates me."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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