32- Carmen Ashmore

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Ivory Lockwood

It's been 2 months. 2 months since Dante had taken Jacob. I told myself I had to stay away but I realized that I was breaking down piece by piece the longer I'm away from him. So I'm doing something stupid.

I'm going back to school. Well I already at school and I've already started my crazy, stupid plan. I stayed unnoticed in the shadows as students walk past. I'd swapped out my brown and blonder wigs for a black one. As far as the students know I'm just a new kid. Wrapped in my hoodie I watch Jacob approach his locker and slowly open it.

He looked even worse close up. Dark circles under his eyes, pale skin, hollow eyes. He looked horrible. Tired. Sick. His body froze when he saw what I'd put inside. His soccor jacket. His brother walked over and he too froze as Jacob shakily pulled it from his locker. Taped to it was a note. With my head down I wait.

Jacob read it and as he spina round I turned to walk away. Just slow enough for him to catch a bare glimpse of my face. Walking away with my hands stuffed in my pockets I head towards art. Campbell was also heading that way, his hood pulled low over his face. Smirking I cut across his path to purposely bump into him and slide a drawing into his pocket without him realising. "Sorry." I mumble and walked into the classroom. Taking a swap on the opposite room to where I use to sit. Hanging up on the wall was my unfinished work.

The board had half finished drawings and paintings of the 8 Riches laughing with each other in town and at school. Cringing I tear my eyes away. I don't see them laugh as much anymore.

The teacher came in after the bell rang, saw me and grinned. "Ah, you must be the new student. Please. Come up and introduce yours." She indicates to me and I slowly walk to the front of the class.

Facing them I keep my face blank. "Hi. I'm Carmen Ashmore." I watch as Campbell shot upright so fast he fell from his seat. I was by his side pulling his hood down over his face before anyone saw it. "Shhh." I whisper before walking back to my seat, ignoring the confusion around me.

Campbell scrambled into his seat and stared at me. I smirk and tap my pocket before grabbing my things and walking to the teacher. "I'm terribly sorry but I just got a text. My little brother is sick and I have to go pick him up. I won't be back in time before the end of class." I say, putting as much emotion into my words as I could.

She nods in sympathy and I walk out of the class, only glancing back once for a brief moment to see Campbell staring at the picture in his hands. A drawing of the far corner of the school with the words 'find me at lunch' scrawled over top.

Walking through the school I go to each of their lockers and write their names on it in red lipstick. At Jacobs I surround it in a heart. Smiling I jog out of the school and over to the gym. Outside on the field I saw the class starting a game of soccor. Jacob was there. Picking up speed so that I'm running I wove through the students to come to the teacher who eyed me curiously. "Yes?" His brows raise slightly as he spoke.

Pulling a piece of paper from my pocket I hand it over. Smirking I back up. When he unfolded it, his eyes widen in horror. When they came back to me they harden. "You." He took off towards me at a run but I was ready. Dodging his attack with my hands clasped behind my back I laugh.

"Did you seriously expect me to not find you?" I duck under a punch and step back. The class had formed a circle around us.

My eyes catch on Taylor. Nodding to her she reels back. In barely a second the teacher went from standing to groaning on his stomach a couple meters away. Taylor let's out a gasp of horror. Lifting my finger to my lips I wink and walk out of the circle. "Bye for now Bradshaw. You failed to turn up when I needed you. When they needed you. Breaking loyalty is something I take very seriously." I yell over my shoulder.

"Owen told me you were good but he didn't tell me you trained with the Vipers in China. If he'd have told me I would have shown up." He yelled back causing me to stop.

Holding down my smirk I turn. "I didn't train with the Vipers. I trained the Vipers. Now you should leave. The CIA are on their way. An anonymous tip miraculously landed on their laps saying an exterminator who worked for the teenage killer was a teacher at this school. So hurry. Can't disappoint the boss by getting caught." Turning back around I hear him get up and hurry off. "Class dismissed. Oh and Taylor. Talk to your brother. He has the instructions and a juicy piece of. Information you 8 Riches kids would love to hear." Waving I jog towards the fence. Jumping I kick off a tree and sail cleanly over it, landing in a crouch.

As I walk away I look back. They were watching me. When I was sure I was far enough away for them to not know my exact hair colour I pull off my wig and throw it into a trash can before blending into the shadows and disappearing.

Hopefully they get the idea. Hopefully the gears are working furiously on their heads. Hopefully the figure it out so I don't have to do all the work.

I wait until the guy who was the teacher of the PE class came jogging over with a smile. "Good to see you back boss." He hugged me tightly before holding me at arms length.

"Do you think they'll understand my messages?" I chew my lip as I look up at my second in command at my Family Business of extermination.

He laughs. "Of course. There's nothing to worry about. Also thank you for getting me out of that hell hole. I hate kids. Except you of course." His eyes spark with amusement and I believe him.

They'll understand.

They'll figure it out.

Now I just have to wait until lunch.

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