4- Carmen And The Teen Killer

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Jacob Fleming

"Is your ego and confidence still intact or did it pour everywhere like the blood from your nose." Amy snickers and I glare at her.

My nose still hurts. A lot. At least it's not broken, only bruised. If it was broken then I wouldn't be happy. I like my nose. It's a very useful part of my body.

"Did anyone hear what they found by the fence?" Campbells brow was furrowed as he sat leaning against the school steps.

Everyone stared at him. "Why would you care?" Taylor asks with a cheeky grin.

"You have it very wrong. I heard there was blood near her things but no sign of her. Only a blonde female jogging away from the fence. If someone went after her they must be skilled if there was no sign of her or anyone else apart from that female. If someones after Carmen then they may be after us next." He shrugs.

"Why would anyone want her?" I sit beside him. Apart from the fact that she's smart, pretty and great at sharp comebacks I can't think of any other reason.

Campbell sighs and shakes his head.
Savannahs phone rings and she answers with a smile. "Hey mum." Her smile drops and replaced by a look of horror.

"Savannah? What is it?" Tylers face grows a mask of worry.

"Are you serious? She's with you?" Savannah swallows, I could tell she was terrified. All of us could.

"She just turned up on our couch? How did she get past? She never uses high tech tools or vehicles." It looked and sounded as if she would faint any second.

"How did she know about Jacobs face? Wait. Was she the girl who was at our school when Carmen disappeared?" We all stared in shock.

"Yup. Okay. Bye mum." Savannah hangs up and Tyler helps her sit down.

"Okay. So Carmen is okay. That blood was hers but didn't come from a wound. Just a blood sample that for some reason she had in her bag. She just so happens to know very, very powerful and deadly people. My mum is currently sitting with one of those people." Savannah frowns and looks at me.

"I don't know whether to be more scared of the person mum is with or of the fact that Carmen is apologizing for your nose through this person." She shakes her head and snorts.

"Who is it?" I stare back at her and she shakes her head.

"The mystery female who was seen over the fence where Carmen disappeared. She also happens to be the mystery killer with no identity. The one everyone is scared of." Savannah looks at Campbell and frowns more.

"Carmen wants you to look in your left jean pocket."

Campbell froze, colour draining from his face as he pulls a slip of paper from his pocket. "She's better than I thought."

"My god. How did she get that crime scene photo? That's highly classified." Isabella gasps in shock.

"It's not a photo. It's a painting. Carmen painted the crime scene and then they took a photo of the painting so they wouldn't need to enter the house. I thought she was lying. I didn't think anyone could have the stomach to paint their crime scene of their grandparents murder." Campbell shakes his head and stands.

"Well, I've got somewhere to be. Have fun. I'd keep out of Carmens way and leave her alone. She's better than us. You'd see it if you bothered to look past the disguise." He quickly walks off, leaving us to all watch after him in confusion.

"Who is better than us?" Scarlet slips out of nowhere and sits casually on the ground.

"Carmen." My brother laughs.

"Carmen? I thought she was the weaker twin." Scarlet leans back on her hands.

All eyes switch to her. "What?" She smirks. Enjoying this.

"Spill Scarlet." Claire leant forwards, watching her sister closer to see if she could read anything off her. The look that worked onto Claire's face suggested something clicked. "No. Oh my god. She's her?"

Scarlet shrugs and her sister groans, snaking her forehead. "What is it?" I snap, my voice harsher than I had meant it to be, sending everyone reeling away from me. "Sorry."

Looking down I wrung my hands. "Figure it out. It's not that hard. It's so obvious that you all forget. Although a select few of us have the skills of not forgetting something as major as this." Scarlet threw her arms in the air, frustration bloomed across her face.

More people had begun to emerge, signaling it was time for their private conversations to come to a stop. "Oh my god, are you okay Jakey?" The fake on the voice that came from behind me along with the sickly nickname made me want to gag.

Standing I turn to see one of the more popular girls in school under the daughters of the 8 Riches. Belle Saunders. Tall, blonde, brown eyes, painted face, fake smile and clothes a couple sizes to small.

"I'm fine Belle. Nothing major." Grabbing my bag I walk past her, wanting to ignore her as best I could but no. She hurried after me, surprisingly quick on such high heels, and held onto my arm.

She smiles a terribly fake smile laced with desperation. I could not be any less interested in her right now. "Oh that's wonderful. I was so worried when I heard you had to go to the nurses office." Belle spoke with a small, fake giggle, flicking her hair over her shoulder. It tempted me to cut it off or rip it all out by hand. It brought a smile to my lips at the thought which sadly seemed to encourage her. Great.

"It's so much of a relief that you're okay. But are you sure? I could give you a private check up if you wanted." Belle bit her lip and I held down a gag. Jamie walked past snickering and man did I want to hit him.

Pulling my arm away from Belle I quickly step away to form some space between us. "Yeah, nah. I'm good. Bye." Not looking back I walk briskly to where Jamie stood by the waiting car.

"She doesn't give up does she?" He laughs, patting my shoulder.

Glaring at my brother I climb in, dropping my bag to the floor. "No. She doesn't." My nose wrinkles in disgust which only makes my twin laugh even harder as he also climbed in to sit beside me, his bag placed on the seat between us.

"I'm sure she'll get over it."

Looking slowly at my brother, my expression completely done, he laughs even harder, hunching over in his seat as the car starts to drive. "No. That is sadly not ever going to happen. Yay... for... me." Grunting in annoyance I leant back. My thoughts wandering to Carmen and to how she knows the young, mystery killer that strikes fear into the hearts of the strongest.

Nerd Model Killer; BOSS 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon