8- A Break In Carmen

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Carmen Lockwood

I sat down behind the bleachers, hugging my knees tightly to my chest. A Diablo in my school. Unbelievable. How dare they mock me like that. At least she's getting what she deserves now.

Footsteps come closer and I shrink back, hiding in a dark slot between two concrete stands. "Carmen? I saw you come this way." Jacob. Damn it.

I didn't move. I stayed still and silent. His shadow gets closer until I see him walk past. He stops and dies a double take. Eyes widened in shock. "Nice hiding spot." His shock disintegrated as he snicker. Back to being an ass. How nice.

Sliding out I cross my arms. "What do you want Jacob? I'm really not in the mood. If you wanna hit me just go for it. There's no need for you to speak to me."

His cocky look slipped. "Is that what you think I'm here for? To hurt you?" I couldn't believe it. He's not here to hurt me.

"What else would you be doing here looking for me? It's not like you'd want to talk. We aren't friends. We aren't nice to each other. I hate you and you hate me. If you aren't here to hit me then what are you here for?" Leaning back against the concrete I study him. He looks nervous. That's definitely new.

He stuffed his hands into his pockets and kicked the ground with his foot. "I actually did come to talk." My footing slips in shock and I fall. Landing on my bad shoulder.

The pain was hideous. I could barely move. So I just lay there, eyes clenched shut to try block out the tears of pain. I won't cry. Not in front of Jacob. He stood unmoving. He didn't say a word. No surprises there.

"Hey Jacob. What are you- Oh my god what the hell did you do Jacob?" Campbell? Lifting my head as someone runs over I see him. Campbell to the rescue. One good guy. One bad guy. Lets hope nobody else decides to turn up.

Dropping my head back to the ground with a grunt I wait for Jacobs response. "I didn't touch her. I swear." How original.

Campbell pulls me up to my feet, thankfully being mindful of my shoulder. "You need to go to the school nurse Carmen." Campbell spoke calmly. It only made me more worried.

"Are you insane? I'm not going to the nurse. She's crazy and her family has connections to the Burns family. It'll be a cold day in hell before I go to her. How can you people possibly not know that?" I squirm from Campbells grip and slide to the ground, a hand to my shoulder.

Both Jacob and Campbell go pale. "The Burns family? How do you know these people Carmen. Yesterday you were talking about the Diablos and then a Diablo was our substitute teacher for this period and she was terrified or you. She knew you. Then now you're talking about the Burns family? Who the hell are you? Scarlet and Claire have figured it out and they are shocked. They aren't shocked very often." Jacob snaps, a dangerous look on his face.

I leap from the ground and dive at Jacob. Campbell tackles me before I get there. He pins my down hard. "Let me go Campbell. I wanna kill that son of a bitch." Jacob took a step back, staring through me as if I was a wild animal. In some ways I am. In a lot of ways actually.

Campbell struggled to hold me down as I bucked and kicked. "You're a lot stronger than I anticipated." He grunted.

"Of course. How else do you think I lived this long? I'm wanted dead everywhere. Because I'm stronger than it looks it gives me an advantage. They don't expect a girl like me to play dirty." I snarl and twist sharply, almost throw in Campbell off but he held on tighter.

"Jacob could you call Max, he should have a free period. I'm not going to be able to hold onto her forever and if you run it only fuels her need to kill you." Campbell growled in frustration.

Nerd Model Killer; BOSS 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora