3- Smirk To Bloody Nose

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Carmen Lockwood

"You have to work with Jacob? Oh wow. I feel so sorry for you." Damien taunts and I almost throw my phone.

"Do not make me hunt you down. Anyway. You haven't been paired up yet. Will you be getting back in time?" I sit outside with my back against the schools boundary fence.

People were running around practicing sport on the field in front of her. A ball comes wizzing towards me and I instinctively cat it with one hand before it gets to my face. My hand stinging with the impact. "What was that?" Damiens voice came from my phone and I sigh.

"Ball. I'm sitting at the boundary near the field." My phone beeps and I curse. "Phones about to go flat and I forgot my charger. Gotta go." I hang up and put my phone away.

"Can you pass the ball or is that not part of your knowledge?" Jacobs voice sounding across the field towards me filled my gut with a heavy annoyance.

Standing I think for a moment before smirking. "That depends. Will if hurt you if I do?" I yell back, chucking the ball from one hand to the other.

"I don't see how." Jacob yells, arms folded and a smirk on his face.

My mind is made up as soon as I see his expression. I'm going to wipe the smirk from his face and turn it into a bloody nose.

Dropping the ball I catch it on my foot. With one eye focused on Jacob and his mates I use the other to focus on the ball. "Well hurry up then." He yells in frustration.

"You asked for it." I laugh.

Kicking the ball up my senses sharpen like they were trained to. As it neared the ground I changed position and kicked it. The ball flying through the air. Picking up my bag I walk away. The sound of the ball hitting flesh and loud cursing tells me I hit my target.

Normally I wouldn't do that.

Buy today I'm not in the mood. Not after this mornings incident with the guy and the cattle prod at sadly, 5:30 am. Half an hour after I started training.

Training is what helps me calm myself before coming here to the school I could have paid to get into but ended up getting a scholarship to enter. A school full of people who hate me and bully me. A school where once I could have belonged. But not anymore. Not after the accident.

Being unable to calm myself fully I still have a few pent up feelings along with a couple new ones.

Trying to calm myself down I couldn't. My senses spiked to a full on high. Every sound making me flinch and making my head throb. Every movement making me worry.

I shouldn't worry.

I'm Carmen Lockwood.

I'm just the school nerd who gets bullied every day.

My mind screams and argues with me.

You're just the school nerd who gets bullied every day and knows how to kill everyone in the school in only 5 minutes.

My vision tilts and I lean against the fence, trying to catch my breath.

The sound of someone approaching me from behind brings everything rushing back. Spinning around I let out an involuntary sigh of relief at the sight of Campbell. My whole body relaxes and I slump against the tree behind me.

"Are you alright?" He slowly approaches.

I look down at my feet. "Carmen." His voice soft as he lifted my chin to look me in the eye.

"Is it your shoulder?"

I shake my head.

"Is it the fact you showed up the best soccer player in school?" A smirk pulls at his lips.

"It's more the reason why I did it than actually doing it." My voice a low mumble.

"Then why?"

The look in his eyes almost made me spill the truth but I managed to bite my tongue. "I can't tell you. If I do then I'm breaking the code. If I break the code then bad things happen to good people." I whisper. It's true. But it isn't the truth.

"People like you?" Campbell's hand drops and I laugh.

"Me? I'm not a good person. Never have been and never will be. You should probably keep your distance if you want to go on that second date with the pretty bad girl nobody knows about." Nodding with a weak smile I walk away, leaving him to wonder how I could know that.

I know a lot of things about him.

I know a lot about all of them.

I know a lot more than I'd ever care to admit.

Walking away from everyone to the far side of the school nobody ever goes to was enough to calm me down.
Well a little bit at least.

I still really want to punch something.
Someone actually and it's getting steadily closer to need than want.

The accident that changed my life sent me over the edge. I was always the prized possession. The perfect mix of beauty and death.

But the accident.

The accident changed me in more ways than we agreed it would on the contract. It never said anything about an almost uncontrollable anger only able to be lessened by fighting.



I have more lives to live than one person should have very have to live. I never wanted this.

What I wanted was for them to come home. I don't want to be the last of the family. It hurts too much. It hurts to have to lie about what really happened.

Dropping my things to the ground I stare through the fence. I could run.

Nobody would catch me.

Nobody ever knows how to.

Nobody ever wants to.

Looking back over my shoulder I sigh.

Carmen can take the back seat for now. The real me wants to play.

Grabbing the fence I swing myself up to perch on the top. Alarms wail but I don't care. Pulling out a vial of scarlet liquid I pour it on the ground near my things.

Tearing away the brown I let my long strawberry blonde hair fall in waves over my shoulders. Smirking I jump down and start walking. People running behind me towards the fence. Smiling I take off at a sprint.

No training means I have a lot of work to do before Carmen can return. Work that requires the skills and help of a shadow.

Of The Shadow.

Bella Charlesworth.

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