27- Lunch With Carmen

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At lunch Carmen sat where she usually sat. She almost choked when Jacob dropped I. To the spot beside her with no warning whatsoever. "I swear Jacob. If you scare me like that again I will go from Devil Hunter to Fleming Hunter." She hissed low enough so that he was the only one that heard as the others all somehow managed to sit down at the table. It was a bit squishy but nobody really seemed to mind apart from everyone else in the cafeteria.

Campbell glanced down at his phone and he grinned widely. "You are the second best person in the world right now Carmen." He slipped his phone away, unable to stop grinning.

Carmen knew what he meant. "Oh I know. I am the Queen of awesomeness and I rule over all of you lowly peasants." She smirks and spoke in the poshest voice she could muster.

Their eyes all narrow simultaneously at her and Carmen snickers. "Did you just all us peasants?" Dexter snapped.

Carmen pealed her banana and took a bite. "Well I have more money than your families have combined and I'm only one person. Compared to me each of you singular people are peasants. Sorry to hurt those over inflated egos of yours but I'm stating fact here." She waves her free hand around before taking another bite.

"How could you have more money than all of our families combined?" Tylers jaw clenched and Savannah rested a hand on his arm to calm him down as she eats an apple.

Carmen shrugged. "My family businesses is extermination. I have assassins, hitmen and woman that are put for hire. I own many other things. Construction businesses, banks that are on shore and off shore, I own security companies all over the world. My people do investigation work that varies from finding a lost pet to finding a crazed serial killer. I've got people in every corner of the world. I have people in this school even. My companies are everywhere. Because my family is dead I inherit them. Not all of them come under the Lockwood name. Technically speaking I own at least a quarter of the Diablo family and what they do other than terrorise your families." She shrugs again as if it were nothing.

She felt everyone stiffen before relaxing to avoid suspicion from the other students who were still casting curious glances at them. "What is it the Diablos actually do?" Jacob asked and Carmen sighed.

"They run children's hospitals in the slums and the less fortunate places around the world." She spoke quietly because she knew it would bring dread to the people around them to know that the Diablo family isn't all bad.

It was quiet for a while before Carmen pulled out a folded piece of paper from her bag and unfolds it. On it was a coloured drawing of a run down destroyed Street filled with kids covered in blood and bandages, marching with guns in perfect order. "This is what comes of them. They make child armies capable of destroying towns. Cities even. They're trained after being helped and told their families have either abandoned them or were dead. They may help kids but they make them monsters. I've managed to salvage a few and bring them out before too much neurological damage has been done. Then with Shadows help we put them in schools as bodyguards to high profile students." The relax around her.

Jacob took the drawing. "You really are a good artist you know. If you weren't who you are then you could easily become famous by doing art like this." He traced the lines of the ruins the children marched through and something pulled in Carmen's chest.

"I am famous because of my art. It's just nobody knows I'm the one doing it." She stood and took the drawing from Jacob, sliding it back in her bag. "If we are to take down the people who are trying to take us down we'll need more help than just my extermination business. Sure there are lots of them and they're great at all the ways to kill someone but we need specialists. Specialists of only one type." She kept her voice down so only the people at her table could hear.

"I am sure I'm going to regret this but what type do they need to specialise in?" Amy lent forwards. Eager.

Carmen glanced at Ruby who cringed for all to see. "Close combat 3 pointed knives." Ruby grumbles. "The typical terrifying people who lurk in shadows and strike at those who think the shadows are theirs. I hate these kinds of people. They always make you shiver every time you look at them just because you get that creepy vibe off them." She looks back at Carmen who nods, face hollow.

Ethan looks at his sister in confusion. "I am growing increasingly worried by how much you know Ruby."

"Hey. It isn't my fault. I hung around Ivory Ashmore remember. We'd often get to talking about the hot bad boys that lurk the streets and one of them just so happens to be a family friend. You guys remember Owen O'Brian right?" Ruby rolled her eyes yet Carmen caught the slight panic of almost getting caught that was in her eyes for barely long enough to catch.

They nod and Carmen grins. "Well he has a friend that specialises in this particular type of death. The fun part is finding Owen and getting him to tellus who this friend is and how we can find him. The extra fun part is getting this friend to help us without trying to kill us. It'll be a great bonding experience." She claps her hands together with an excited grin.

Ruby threw one of her brothers fries at Carmen with a glare. "No. When we find him we get the models to go say hello. Owens friend has a thing for pretty bad girls. You know this."

Carmens grin went wicked. "Or you could just do it."

Ethan jerked up. "Oh hell no. She will not be doing anything of the sort." His eyes narrow with protectiveness, his voice had risen to a yell so everyone could hear.

"She does have a point. This guy wouldn't want to touch me. Last time he tried I did break his jaw and most of his fingers. I got his respect. While in pain he did say he would do anything to help me out any time I needed it. If I could find him." Ruby pulled Ethan back into his seat.

Carmen nods. "Very good."

Max eyed Ruby. "You broke his jaw?"

She glared at him. "Never mess with a pretty girls designer handbag and you won't have to find out what happened." Ruby snapped. "Now I hope you have a plan of attack here Carmen. We need to get the top dog and this ass who hurt Ivory out of business as soon as possible."

In response Carmen waved her phone around. Ringing someone she walks away from the table and spoke quietly so nobody else could hear. All eyes were on her, her skin tingling violently.

When finished she walked back to the and sat back beside Jacob. "He will be back by Friday. Currently he's in Greece. Why is beyond me but he knows I'm looking for him so he won't dare run. The guy may be tough but he's seen the amount of pain I can cause with one hand. He doesn't want to be on the other end." She held her bag to her chest as if she was protecting the contents. In a way she is. Her bag help more than drawings and school supplies. It held secrets that she has never told anyone. Secrets she will take to the grave no matter how hard people push.

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