13- Lies To Cover Up

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Ivory Ashmore

Jacob likes Carmen. Jacob likes Carmen. I'm Carmen. Sorta. Oh god. This is bad. If Dante finds out hell will break loose and there'll be nothing I can do to stop him from killing anyone and everyone on his way.

I can't go near him. As Ivory that is. I have to be near him as Carmen because of school. Damn it. This is very bad.

"Ivory? You okay?" Ruby calls through the door and I freeze to the spot. "Ivory?" I could hear the worry. If I don't answer then she will kick the door down. She may not look it but damn she's strong. Kinda like all of us models. We all have secret sides. It's why Shannon and Ashley hired us.

Quickly thinking up what to say I come up with nothing so I pull the door open. Ruby stood very ready to kick the door down. She heaves a sigh of relief. "Oh thank god. I was so close to kicking that door down." She smiles but it doesn't last long when she studies my face. "What's wrong?" Stepping closer she studies my face harder. Trying to pick up somethig. Thankfully I know how to hide things very well.

Glancing at the outfit I need to put on fir the photo shoot an idea pops into my head. "It's my outfit that I have to wear. It shows my back and neck and well." Turning I pull up the back of my shirt to show Ruby the many long bandages covering the whip wounds before pulling down my shirt collar to reveal the many bruises circling my neck.

She nods. "Why don't we swap outfits? We're the same size and my one has a turtle neck and it doesn't show the wearers back." Ruby hurries off and soon returns with her outfit.

The theme of today's photo shoot is innocence. Hence why all the outfits are in white with small amounts of silver and gold. It's funny because man. I'm far from being innocent. I threw that out the window many years ago.

Ruby held a long slimming white dress with a high neck and no sleeves. It had a thin diamond shape cut out at the front to provide a minimal view of cleavage. It had a long split from the hem up to where I'd presume is mid thigh. Silver trimming was attached to every hem. Making it shine in the light of my changing room. "Thank you Ruby." Taking the dress I hand Ruby the outfit I was suppose to wear.

It too was a white dress but fell to the knees. Silver patterns adorned the bottom of the skirt. The top was a halter neck that made most of the back wearers back visable. A nice dress. Pity I was being punished for spilling to Jacob. I would have loved to wear it.

Damn it. Jacob.

Ruby didn't notice the slight change that rippled through my body. "Don't worry about it Ivory. It's the least I can do for a fellow model and for a friend." She took the dress and left, pushing the door shut behind her. I lock it and ret my head against the door.

This won't be easy going forth. I need to make sure Dante doesn't find out about Jacob or he will kill him and I do not want to have to carry that on my shoulders. He's well known all over America and the world so if Jacob is killed there will some be major backlash and consequences. Teo things that Dante never pays attention to when he's in one of his killer moods.

Slowly undressing to avoid unnecessary pain I change into the dress. It fit perfectly. Ruby and I really are the same size. She's also a friend. But only to Ivory Ashmore. She's one of the few people outside Dante and work who know about all my scars. I guess Campbell knows but he sees the scars belonging to Carmen not Ivory.

Looking in the mirror I realize some of the cattle prod wound was visable and it looked red and angry. I almost forgot about that one somehow. Campbell know about this scar. If he sees it I might be in some deep trouble.

Searching quickly through my bag I couldn't find any fake skin to cover it. Only the empty roll I a plastic bag. I'm screwed if I don't figure something out. Perhaps I could say I was attacked by a person who's signature mark was to stab people with a cattle prod. I got away because he misjudged how much pain can be delivered when someone stabs a stilleto heel through their leg. After getting a solid handbag with a rock in it to the head.

That will have to do.

Taking a deep breath I open the door and walk out. Many do a double take as I walk into the room. Ashley walked over. "You look lovely Ivory. I see you swapped with Ruby." The 8 Riches kids stop what they were doing and look at me.

"There was a bit of an incident and I couldn't wear the dress so Ruby swapped with me. We are the same size so it is able to work." I look down at the tightly fitted dress, clinging to each curve. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dante watching me. He's impressed. I recognize the body language.

"See. There we go. Problem averted." Ruby came walking over in the dress I was suppose to wear. It fit her well. Thankfully.

Ashleys eyes drift to my shoulder. "Oh my. What on earth happened to your shoulder. It looks pretty fresh." She reaches out and I cringe as she softly touches it.

Shannon soon walks over to join in looking at the wound. "Electrified cattle prod." As soon as I spoke I caught Campbell breath in far to sharply and start coughing.

"What? Did you say you got stabbed by an electrified cattle prod in the shoulder?" He stares at me with watery eyes. Soon all eyes were flicking between him and me.

Lets hope this lie works. "Yes. It's not that uncommon. There's some guy wandering the streets. Picking off pretty teenage girls who are wandering the streets during the early hours of the morning. I was going for a walk I couldn't sleep so I decided to go out early. He jumped me and stabbed me with the cattle prod. It hurt like hell. I could tell I wasn't the first of his victims that morning. He had a very new bruise on his face." I look at Campbell fully to see him go rigid.

"He thought I would be an easy target. But he misunderstood the pain of being hit in the head with a handbag containing a rock before having the heel of a stilleto pierced through their leg. He underestimated what a model is capable of and I really hate it when people do that." I turn away when I see Campbell relax slightly. He still stood rigid but the edge was taken off.

Thank god for the lie. Hopefully he won't ask too many questions to Carmen when he sees her. I don't want to have to deal with that when I have to figure out how to stop Dante from finding out Jacobs little secret. I am not looking forward to the days ahead of me.

Thankfully no more questions were asked and throughout the photo shoot I made sure to pose so the camera always had little to no view of the wound on my shoulder. Meaning less to edit out and me feeling more relaxed. Kinda.

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