29- He's Gone

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Ivory looked out the window at it in disgust before putting her wig on. "Am I good?" She faced Amy and Savannah who scanned her over before nodding with a smile.

"Looking hot. I'm so glad you chose to wear skinny jeans and a tank top. Jacobs soccor jacket is a cute touch." Amy climbed from the car first, Ivory/Carmen and Savannah follow suit.

Again eyes bore into her. Jacob walked over and slung an arm around her shoulder. "You look cute in my jackets you know."

Carmem rolled her eyes. "Isn't that why I wear them?" The bruises from her and Taylor fight were more visible, yet she had no intention of hiding them. The students see her scars and bruises all the time. Why should she treat these any different?

Taylor hurried over and linked an arm through Carmen's. "Sorry Jacob but I'm taking my new bestie to see my out of 8 Riches friends." She was pulling Carmen away before he could say a word in reply.

All he could do is watch them leave, laughing and playfully shoving each other. A smile quirked onto his face as Carmen glanced back over her shoulder and waved before being pulled inside. She really did look cute in his soccor jacket. Plus it was a way of subtly marking his territory.

"People are gonna start asking questions about your relationship with her you know? By her I mean Carmen. Not Ivory. Then if they see you with Ivory Ashmore, then again with the real her. You're gonna need to loosen the reins a little Jacob." Jamie nudged his brother with his shoulder.

Jacob glared at the ground as he walked. His brother was right. But he couldn't help it. "Yeah. I know. But you saw how she's dressed today. I needed to do something to tell guys to back off." He kicks a stone that jumped across the path onto the grass.

"Since when has any guy paid any attention to Carmen other than to punch her before Monday?" Jamie snorts earning him a punch to the shoulder.

He yelps and jumps away from his twin. "Watch." Jacob walked up to the doors and threw them open with a scowl. He was immediately met with the sight he didn't want to see.

Jamie and the others stop and stare. "Huh. All because of a pair of skinny jeans." Carlos chuckles earning himanice cold look from Jacob sending him cringing away.

Ruby snickers. "Never under estimate the power of a girls ass boys." She skipped away to join her crowd.

Mitchell Michaels stood in front of Carmen who was leaning back against the lockers, one foot propped up against them. Her arms were folded over her chest, an amused look on her face. Mitchell was on the opposite school soccor team to Jacob. He's one of the popular player types. Not far off the 8 Riches. He smirked and put a hand against the locker by Carmen's head and lent closer with a smirk.

Jacob ground his teeth, fists clenched by his side. "I know she'd probably kick his ass if he tried kissing her but maybe you should go interrupt whatever that is." Jamie waved a hand in their direction.

"Thought you said loosen the reins?" Jacob hissed.

Jamie shot his brother an unamused look. "Well I thought people would see her wearing your soccor jacket and back off. Clearly they haven't got the memo yet. Now hurry up. If anyone is going to punch Mitchell today it will be me. He was late to practice the other day and cost us vital practice time." He snapped. Jamie and Jacob were captains of the two opposing teams. They love each other but when it comes to soccor they are enemies. Also when it comes to soccor they are incredibly strict and hard to handle.

Jacob nods in understanding before walking over. Ignoring the giggles and waves of the girls around him. "Am I interrupting something?" He stops beside them, face dead calm despite the raging inferno crashing through him.

"Yes you are actually. I was just about to get this sexy girl here to reconsider her options and swap your jacket out for mine." Mitchell straightens and smirks.

Jacob was struggling not to punch him. Carmen didn't move, she didn't speak. She just watched, her expression still amused. She already knew what was going to happen. Mitchell looked back at Carmen, his gaze slowly ran over her body. That's when Jacob snapped.

The crack of his fist hitting Mitchells jaw echoed and made the hall fall into silence as they watched Mitchell stagger before falling. Carmen watched. Still not speaking. "Hey. I thought I told you that if anyone was going to punch him it would be me?" Jamie yelled as he stormed over, throwing his arms in the air.

Jacob shrugged. "Whoops. I slipped." Face blank he walked towards his locker.

When he rounded the corner Carmen broke and burst into a fit of laughter sohard she was crying, wheezing and clutching her stomach, barely able to stand. "Oh that was just precious. I've never wanted to laugh so hard in my life." She choked out as she struggled to contain herself and wipe away her tears.

Eyes were on her. Confused. Very confused.

A shriek came down as Andy Mack walked in and saw Mitchell barely conscious on the ground. Andy is also on Jamie's soccor team and is also known as a player. "Carmen what the hell did you do?" He yelled as he ran over and knelt beside Mitchell.

Carmen reined herself in with a lot of effort. "He and I were teasing Jacob. I didn't actually thing Jacob would go so far as to punch him." She help up her hands with an innocent smile.

Andy sighed. "Next time you do anything that could endanger my boys life please warn me." Looping Mitchells arom over his shoulder he helps him up. "You're lucky you're Carmen. If you weren't I would kill you. Nobody risks the lives of people I care about. Got it?" He points a finger at her and she nods.

"Loud and clear. Also. Now you owe me 100 bucks." She twirled her finger around and Andy stiffened as he looked around at the shocked faces now looking at him.

Grunting he pulls his wallet from his pocket and takes out a hundred dollar note, slapping it into her hand. "Oh my got this is adorable!" Taylor screeches as she throws her arms in the air and claps happily. Her smile brightening her face entirely. "You are my new favourite ite couple ever. Gah this is too cute." She squeels again before almost tackling her two friends in a hug.

"Well there goes the player title." Jamie was smiling.

"He was a player. They both were. You know they managed to bed over 100 guys each this year alone. Not all from this school though." Carmen whispered before walking away with a smile and a wave.

"You should get Mitchell to the nurse. I think Taylor excitement may have knocked most of the life he has left out of him." She calls over her shoulder before rounding the corner.

Her smile was so wide it almost hurt as she got her books from her locker. Jacob wasn't there at his yet she brushed it off and went to class. Maths. Today was the day of the test and she had finally managed to get Jacob to understand everything.

Stepping into the class she was shocked to find he wasn't there but again brushed it off. Sitting down she waits. The bell rings and students come rushing in. None of them Jacob. Her smile slides away when she saw the teacher walk in but still no Jacob. Carlos came skidding i to the door, his face red and sweaty from running. He hit the door frame with a thud and a groan.

"Mr Stone. What on earth are you doing here and not in class?" Mr Frances snaps.

Carlos gasps for breath and waves his hand, his eyes finding Carmen's. They were full of panic. This wasn't good. "Ivory." He gasps between breath.

Carmen stiffened and Mr Frances followed suit. The class was full of murmers, wondering who Ivory was and what was going on. "Carlos. What is it? What's going on?" Carmen was shaking.

Carlos straightened slowly, the class going dead silent. His next two words made the strongest wave of rage flood through her since the death of her family. The two words weren't specific but she knew exactly what he meant. "He's gone."

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