17- Bellegardes Alive... Still

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Carmen Lockwood

"Why does Maths have to be so god damn hard?" I smile to myself as I watch Jacob throw his book down and smack his head into the table with a sigh paired with a growl of complete and utter annoyance.

I move to sit beside him and pat his arm. "There, there you big baby." It was as those words came out Jamie walked in.

He burst out laughing. "Finally someone else sees how much of a baby he is." He says before laughing again. I hold down my own laughs as Jacob slowly raised his head, a look that managed to make me shiver I fear was plastered to his face. Jamie caught it and started running. "Mummy Jacobs got the death look!" He disappeared and I laugh.

"He is such a mummy's boy." I lean sideways against the table we were working at to study Jacob better.

He dropped his head back to the table with a loud thud. "I never going to get this and then we will both be in trouble. Something I really don't want for you. Plus I'm low key terrified of Mr Frances. He looks like he could snap my neck with one hand." He groans helplessly and I sigh.

Reaching out I run my hand through his his hair. Something my brother and sister would do to calm me when I was young. After they died I found other means of keeping calm. "Mr Frances can and has snapped peoples necks with one hand. But you needn't worry. He wouldn't dare lay a finger on you with me around." He twists his head to look sideways at me and I rest my hand on the side of his face, allowing my thumb to lightly trace his cheekbone.

Reality hit and I jerk away. Seating myself opposite him I stare down at my book. Just as Jacob seems to be about to say something my phone rings and I shoot upright when I see the caller ID is Dante. "Oh god. I have to take this. Keep working on the problems I mm that page. Exercise 204.2." Scrambling upI hurry out the backsliding door and answer.

"Carmen what the hell are you still doing with the Flemings?" He yelled before I could make a sound.

"I told you I had to be around them because I was paired up with Jacob in maths for the whole tutoring thing. There is nothing to get all uptight and snippy about." Glancing over my shoulder I see Jacob looking at me. When he sees that I've spotted him he goes back to his work. One hand gripping his hair in frustration. It was kinda cute.

My eyes widen as the thought came through. I can't be having these thoughts about him. But then again they must have already been there a while because I did kiss him back when he kissed me.

How could those thoughts get there though? He's bullied me. Hurt me.

But then again he was only doing that because he was scared. He is nice and sweet once he throws out his bullyness. He really liked me all along.

I'd completely forgotten about Dante n the phone as my thoughts deepened until he yelled my name. He had been saying something yet I didn't hear a single word of it.

"Sorry. Got sidetracked looking around trying to make sure there were no listening bugs or something. This place is well guarded. Who knows what's hanging around." I lie easily. Lying has become like a second language to me. I'm fluent in it. I don't slip up. I don't stutter. My lies are crisp, clean and made to perfection.

Dante sighed in frustration. Something about the sound told me there was something wrong. "There's been a breach. It was a woman covered in scars. Burn scars and bullet scars. She walked with a limp but in no way did it effect her fighting. Nor did the loss of a couple fingers in her right hand." A wave of cold flooded me, the hairs on the back of my neck stood onend. Goosebumps covered my body in seconds.

Nobody breaks in. "A breach?" I won't hesitate to admit that I'm a little scared at the moment.

Dante let's out a grunt and I pick up the faint sound of telling Tom his end of the line. "Who was it?"

I was almost too scared to know. "Macy Bellegarde." Well shit.

"How the hell is she still alive? I thought you had solid intel saying she was dead. Damn it. What the hell did she take and don't even think about lying to me because I will come down there right this second to skin you so I can hang you on my wall for target practice." I kept my voice low as I strained to stay calm. My anger bubbles just below the surface. When it does. It is never good. There is always at least one bodybag involved by the end of it.

"Well turns out my intel was wrong. The person who gave it to me is now dead. He was actually working for her. Spying. It's how she got in. What she stole is why I rung. I need you to get out of there now and run somewhere safe." I could almost feel the protectiveness coming from him and it was sickening. Luckily he can't see my repulsion through the phone.

"Dante I swear to god. Tell me what she stole." I ground the words out through tightly clenched teeth.

Dante sucks in a deep breath before replying. "All location information for Mary-Anne Stone and her family. She's coming your way. You need to get out. I can't have her hurt you." He pleaded.

My anger flared as I turned to walk back inside. "Oh don't you worry darling. The only person who will be getting hurt is her and trust me. This time that French ass is staying dead." I hang up and turn my phone off completely so he can't ring back.

I will not be distracted. I will kill Macy. She will pay for the pain she caused. But first I need to make sure Christopher is close. If not then Mary-Anne will break and to be honest. She's kinda nice. I've watched her enough to find that out.

Stopping at the table I lean down to whisper in Jacobs ear. "I need to change into Ivory. Someone has just pushed the wrong button for the last time. You have anywhere I can change and not cause suspicion. Preferably a place with a window I can escape from." He must have heard of the he strain to hold in my anger as I spoke because he jumped up and grabbed my arm, towing me after him upstairs.

He pulls me into a bedroom and let's go. "You can use here. It's my room." I scan the room slowly, curious. It was completely spotless. Jacob seems to hesitate like he wanted to say something else. "Who is it?"

AllI do is smirk as I pull off my wig and allow my natural hair to fall. "Oh you'll see Jacob. You'll see."

Nerd Model Killer; BOSS 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora