Hello, Stranger. [Hawk x Reader]

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This is too much.

Seriously too much.

Today you just found out that you're the descendant of the Fairytale World that no one will believe. Fairytale, more like some children's stupid bedtime stories.

Your own parents told you about it, your mind is spinning around, giving you nausea. You are either shocked or irritated, because your parents have never drop a single hint since you were still a little girl.

"I think it's time you should know this whole stuff," Your mother explained, a hint of concern can be seen in her eyes if you look twice.

Your father made some sandwich coughs to prevent awkwardness. You stand still, silky hair curtains your jawline. Your mouth gaping like a fish, eyes as wide as a strawberry. That news your parents gave you is surely a lot to take in, and without asking any approval, you're enrolled in a no ordinary school, it's a prestigious school specialized for fairy tales, Regal Academy.

"Mom, isn't this just a lot? I just want a normal school!" You whined, as if you were a 5-year-old toddler dragging the hem of you mother's blouse.

Your whining stops when your father slaps your shoulder lightly, you automatically turn and he gives you a reassuring smile, wrinkles appear next to his eyes.

"Sweetheart, it's gonna be fine, your grandparents are there to help and guide you."


Your parents also mentioned that you're the granddaughter of Jack Frost, one of the most famous fairy tales. You feel a little weird, bit on the other side you're thrilled.

After breakfast, your mother brings you to the streets and go to a dark alley, you can smell the fresh scent of junk trapped in a big trash can, disgusting.

Until you reach one spot, where the scent changes to a better one, a faint smell of lavenders, your favourite flower.

"I'm leaving you here," your mother's voice cracks open into your mind. Her hand goes into her pocket and grabs something sparkly and shiny.

The first thing that appears in your mind is yourself alone in a dirty alleyway, thinking about how cruel and heartless you mother is-

"Mom, you're leaving me alone? Here?!" You panicked, without any second thought you grab your mother's arm and try to beat her by showing puppy eyes.

The trick doesn't seem to work. Instead, your mother hands you the golden item you've been staring five minutes ago. When you touch and feel the surface, you immediately know it's an antique key.

"Not here, silly," Your mother snorted, gripping your hand and the key tight, "This is a special key to enter the Fairytale Land, don't ever lose it."

You gulp, you're not actually good at keeping things.

Letting yourself follow the flow, you just nod, giving your mother an excuse to take the key, and transfixed it on a wall.

"Try to memorize the magic words: Key of portals open wide, in your power I can find, manifest the light inside!"

A bright flash blinds you when your mother has finished the ritual. When you open them, you don't see a plain wall anymore. Instead of a wall, it's a big, ancient door!

"Go, Y/N," Your mother instructed, a slight smile creeps out of her porcelain face, "Good luck, my dear daughter."

She waves her hand as you turn the door handle, you're unsure of what to do or whatsoever, it's the first time you see something that seems to be unreal, but real in your eyes.

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