Cinderella's Fashion Trend

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Rose Cinderella was snoring really hard on her bed, her mother watched her from behind the room's door, giggling.

"Rose, you better wake up now or you'll be late for school!" She reminded.

"Five more minutes, mom..." Rose mumbled.

"If you're not waking up, I'll throw all your shoes away."


"Wake up now!"

Rose woke up, stretching her arms, yawning, "Okay, I'm up!"

"Today, Regal Academy is going take you and your classmates to the new Fairytale Town, right?"

Rose immediately jumped out of bed, "Pumpkin seeds, of course! I can't forget it!"

"Oh, I almost forgot," Clara said, "Ballgown Magic!"

Magically, a beautiful dress with a blazer appeared, Clara took them, and gave them to her daughter.

"Here, wear this," Clara said, "It's the Cinderella's Fashion Trend!"

"Cinderella's Fashion Trend?" Rose asked confusingly.

"The color is all blue, just like Cinderella's theme color, and the motif is Cinderella-themed, so just say this is Cinderella's Fashion Trend, for us Cinderellas."


"The other students also wear some other unique outfit later, so I think I should make the dress from my magic."

Rose then rushed to her bathroom, and after she was done taking a shower, she wore the dress her mother gave, and admired it.

"Wow, it's made of silk! I love it! Thanks, mom!" Rose said, twirling in front of her mirror.

"I'm glad you like it," Clara said, "Oh, and one more thing!"

"What is it?" Rose asked, Clara pointed at her hair, Rose gave her a confused look, then turned to the mirror to see her reflection.

"Pumpkin seeds! My hair is a total mess!" She cried.

"Don't worry," Clara reassured, "I'll do it."

She took a brush, and started brushing her daughter's hair. After a few minutes, Clara was done in fixing the Cinderella's hair.

"I'm done!" Clara said.

Rose looked at the clock, "Yikes! 8 more minutes before school starts!"

She fetched her back pack, "Later, mom!"

She left her house, and ran as fast as she could, Travis has went to Regal Academy earlier, obviously, because he was too afraid to be late again.

She passed through the shoe store, "No no no no!"

She tried to avoid the shoe store, and kept running, "Not now!"

She ran and ran, like she was chased by a group of crazy fans, she huffed and huffed, until she spotted the small gang next to a shop.

"I'm almost late!" Rose said, running to the secret way, taking her key, and opened the portal to Regal Academy.

Luckily, she didn't fell from the sky, because she has said the right magic word.

"3 more minutes!" Rose said, sighed heavily, "Phew! I'm not late!"

She inhaled and exhaled, huffing because she was running out of air. After she was strong enough to run again, she ran towards Regal Academy to catch up with her friends.

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