Good Luck Beast

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It was a warm day in Regal Academy, and more surprisingly, it was Valentine's day!

Every princes were getting ready to ask the princesses to the Valentine's Ball, and most of them have asked some princesses out. Some princes even gave their valentines chocolate and flowers, including Hawk SnowWhite and Travis Beast.

"Come on, Travis, forget your Beasty Luck and ask her out already!" Hawk encouraged, looked annoyed with his beast friend.

"Hawk, I told you I can't do it!" Travis argued.

"Travis, for the 1867th time, you can do it! Don't be scared you'll get rejected!"

The Beast and the SnowWhite were hiding in the bushes like spies or something. Both of them were planning to ask their crush out. The problem was, Travis wasn't brave enough to do it.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Ling Ling likes you back! I'm sure she'll accept you!"

Travis froze, 'She likes me back?!?'

He tried to process what Hawk said before, and once it was registered, he turned beet red.

"How do you know that?" Travis asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Hawk asked back, "You always dance with her in balls, and she's blushing whenever you're near her. When your bad luck attacks, she just giggles, and doesn't roll her eyes."

Travis turned into a darker shade of red, "I don't believe you."

Hawk let go a deep sigh, "You'll take that back."

After their long argue, the Beast saw the girls from his team walking around, talking and laughing. And of course, he saw his crush with them.

"There's your chance!" Hawk said, "Go before it's too late!"

"Never!" Travis argued.

Hawk facepalmed, and after that, he saw Rose, laughing and giggling.

"Okay, since I haven't asked her out, I'll ask her right after this, and you can watch me!" Hawk instructed.

"Oh, sorry girls, but I think I forgot something at the library, I'll be back in a jiffy!" Astoria said.

"I'll come with you!" Joy offered.

"Sure, thanks Joy!"

The two girls left the other two, leaving them alone together.

"So," Rose started, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know," Ling Ling replied, "Maybe we just wait for them."

"Okay, now's our chance!" Hawk said, turning to face the fearful Beast, "Watch and learn."

Travis gulped, and watched as the SnowWhite approached the girls.

"Hey, girls." Hawk greeted.

"Oh, hey, Hawk," Rose greeted back, "What brings you here?"

"About that," Hawk said, " Can I talk to you, in private?

Rose turned to Ling Ling, who was smirking, then turned back to Hawk.

"Uh... Sure, I guess?"

Ling Ling was smirking at them, Rose shot her glares, she and Hawk went somewhere quiet and near the bushes where they were hiding, so Travis could see them.

"So?" Rose asked.

"Uh... I kinda wanna ask you something.."

"What is it?"

"Uh... Will you... be my date for the Valentine's Ball?"

Rose froze for a moment, Travis gulped, afraid she might reject his buddy.

"Pumpkin seeds... Of course I'd love that!" Rose answered, "I-I mean, I'd love to... hehe.."

"Cool as ice!" Hawk squealed, "Thanks, Rose!"

The SnowWhite hugged her, and winked at the hiding Beast.

"You can do it." He mouthed.

The Beast hesitated to ask the IronFan at first, but, thanks to his friend, he was determined to ask her.

He went out from the bushes, and approached the lonely warrior.

"H-Hey, Ling Ling.." He stuttered.

'Crap. Why am I stuttering?'  Travis thought.

"Why hello, Travis." Ling Ling greeted, a slight blush was seen on her face.

"What are you doing here?" Travis asked, trying to act casual.

"Oh, nothing, just waiting for the other girls, Astoria is with Joy, and Rose is with Hawk."


"So, what brings you here?" Ling Ling asked.

"I want to ask you something..." Travis answered, ready to ask her the question.


"Uhh... I-uh..."

"Uhh... Travis, you okay?"

"Umm... W-Will you.. uh.."

"Go on, Travis, I won't bite you.."

Travis Inhaled, and spoke up, "Willyoubemydatetotheball?"

"Uhh... I can't hear you, Travis.."

"Will you... be my date to the Valentine's Ball?"

Silence filled the air, Ling Long's face turned red.

'Oh, no... Maybe she'll reject me...'  Travis thought.

"Of course I'd love to!" Ling Ling answered, smiling.

Travis was surprised, "Really?"

"Of course!"

Travis hugged her, "Thanks, Ling Ling."

Not far away, Rose, Hawk, and the girls secretly watching them.

"Aww... They look so cute together!" Astoria squealed.

"Agree!" Joy and Rose added.

Hawk smiled at them, it seemed his dude has made it.

Request from Bitchy_Potato

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