Meeting the Author

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"Okay, almost done!"

I closed my book, stretched my arms, and sighed heavily.

"Phew! What a long day..."

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared, I was startled, I covered my eyes, and the light faded away.

"What was that?!"

A portal appeared in front of me, then, it sucked me inside. I screamed, and neither my parents nor my brother heard me, since I was alone in my room.


I realized I was falling from a high place, I looked down, to see islands, and a big castle sitting on the biggest island.

"Where am I?!?" I questioned myself, panicking.

I kept falling, and I tried not to scream. Until I almost touched the ground, I closed my eyes. But, I noticed someone caught me, I slowly opened my eyes, and saw a familiar blue-haired boy on my face.

"Are you okay, damsel?" He asked with a gentle voice.

My eyes widened, "Hawk SnowWhite?!"

He tilted his head a bit, "How do you know my name, miss?"

I quickly went off his grip, and touched the ground.

"By the way, thanks for catching me!" I said, thanking him.

"Uh... You're welcome?"

Then, a group of people approached us, they looked so familiar to me, a girl with pink,  wavy, and long hair, a girl with blonde hair, a boy with messy hair, and two other girls. Gosh, why they looked so familiar?

"Hawk, what are you doing here?" The wavy-haired girl asked.

"Oh, nothing, just saving some damsels in distress." He replied, typical Hawk.

"And who is this girl?" She asked again.

"One of the damsels, she fell from the sky."

"Wait, what?!?"

I suddenly realized something, could I be... in the Fairytale Land?"

"Hello," The girl greeted, "I'm-"

"Astoria Rapunzel! Nice to meet you!" I squealed.

She was dumbfounded, "How do you know my name?"

"And you must be Rose Cinderella!"

Rose shook my hand, "Nice to meet you!"

"And Travis Beast, Ling Ling IronFan, and Joy LeFrog!"

They waved their hands awkwardly, "Uh, hi?"

"Oh, how rude of me! My name's Crystal Fox!" I said, introducing myself.

"Crystal... Fox?" Astoria asked.

"Yep." I replied.

"Which Fairytale do you come from?" Rose asked.

"And how did you get here?"

"Are you a villain or something?"

I tried to cut them up, "Jeez, you're asking too many questions. First, I don't come from any Fairytale Families, second, a portal ducked me and I ended up falling here, and I'm not a villain, seriously."

"Wait... you're not from any Fairytale Families?" Joy asked.

I nodded, "I'm just an ordinary girl from earth."

"Earth? Isn't that where the villains are banished to?"

"Well, there are no villains in my world."


"And one more thing, I'm the author of this book."

"The author?!"

I nodded once more, "Indeed I am. But not the writer of Regal Academy for sure."

"How do you know Regal Academy?"

"Duh, like I said, I'm from earth, and you're from a TV show named Regal Academy!"


"I'm a huge fan of this show, I love it!" I said, squealing around.

"Are we in your book or something?" Astoria asked.

"I guess so."

"You know that I love books!" She said.

"The book I'm writing is a Fan Fiction. So the characters from my book are not mine, but I made the plot of the story."

"And what is the book about?" Hawk asked.

I smirked, "I'm a HASE shipper, so I wrote this book about it."

"What is HASE?" Rose asked.

I smirked even wider, "Should I tell you?"

"Please don't make me even more curious.."

"Okay, okay, fine!" I said, "It's HAwk x roSE, so the ship name is HASE!"

Rose and Hawk blushed hard, "What?!?" They both said in unison.

"You know that we also ship it." Travis said, snickering.

"Me too!" Ling Ling joined.

"You two made such a cute couple, I also ship it, LingVis4life!" I squealed.

They turned as red as a tomato.

"There are a lot of ships that I ship from this show, and the one I love the most is HASE!! I want my ship to sail so bad, so I can die in happiness!!"

"And what are the other ships?" Astoria asked.

"Since you asked... here!

HASE = Hawk x Rose
LINGVIS = Ling Ling x Travis
SHATORIA = Shawn x Astoria
JOSQUIRE = Joy x Esquire!"

When Astoria heard the ship SHATORIA, she also blushed.

In other words, everyone was blushing.

Astoria showed me an imaginary watch, "Oh, look at the time! We'll be late! See you later! Come on, guys!"

The gang followed Astoria behind, leaving me alone.

"Uhh... How do I get out from here?"


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