Only A Fantasy

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"Oh, look, it's the ugly Rose!"

Everyone laughed at the poor girl, Rose. She attended a high school in her city. But, her high school wasn't as she expected. Everyone was cold and loved to bully her. Little did she know that she was the only one who was being bullied.

She looked down, placing a sour expression on her face. She never had friends, never. No one wanted to be friends with her. She tried, but failed.

She didn't feel safe at home nor school. Her parents were drunks, always had wine or beer in their hands. Sometimes they could laugh uncontrollably and went crazy. Her parents didn't care about her, their own daughter.

She could only cry and sit on her bed. She cried as hard as she could. She often thought why no one loved her.

Until she was tired of crying, and fell asleep.

Once she opened her eyes, she looked her surroundings. Nothing, nothing except a field of flowers. She bent down, spilling tears to the ground.

Then, she felt someone's presence...

"Don't cry, my dear.."

She looked up, to see a boy standing in front of her. He had beautiful eyes, blue as the heavens. Silky hair, dark as the midnight sky.

He offered her his hand, "Come with me."

She hesitated for a moment, then she gave in, taking his hand, and stood up.

"W-Who are you?" She asked.

The boy smiled at her, "My name's Hawk."

The girl stared at him for a brief moment, until Hawk almost noticed she was staring at him.

After a short talk, they walked to a flower field, with a silver door at the center of the field.

"Your time is almost up, get into the door, and go back to your world." Hawk commanded.

Rose slightly nodded, then she walked to the door and stepped inside.

She opened her eyes, lying on her bed, "It was only a dream..."

She went to school as usual, and got bullied as usual. She didn't care, the dream was still flying around her head.

When the school was over, she immediately went home. Her parents were laughing and enjoying their beer in the living room. She took a glance at them, and went away.

As night fell, Rose went to her bed, but hesitated for a brief moment.

'Will he appear again? In my dream? Nah... That won't ever happen...' She thought.

She put that thoughts aside, and went into a deep slumber.

She woke up in the same field in her previous dream. She looked her surroundings, and was confused.

"This is the same field, why am I here again?" She questioned herself.

She spotted a bench and decided to sit there. As she was daydreaming, a soft and gentle voice startled her.

"Hello again, beautiful..."

Her eyes widened, Rose turned back, to see the same boy standing behind her, with a dazzling rose in his hand.


He smiled, and hooked the rose on her ear, Rose stared at him, with a pair of red cheeks.

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