I sat up straight. "What about Dylan? What happened?" I asked her.

The doctor walked in on us with a nurse and ordered Naomi to leave the room. Naomi said she was going to wait for me outside in the corridor as the doctor examined me. He checked my pulse, my breathing, my blood circulation, my blood percentage and whatever the hell it was that needed to be checked. I wanted him to get it over with, I wanted to know what happened to Dylan.

"I'd recommend an additioinal two days stay with psychological supervision," the doctor said to my dad who had been standing by the door. Dad nodded and thanked the doctor.

"Your mom is on her way with your brother," Dad told me.

"Thanks, Dad," I said.

He left the room and Naomi walked back in. He smiled at her as he let her get in the room before leaving. I guessed that was how you treated a girl who saved your son's life.

"Two more days?" she asked me as she grabbed a seat by me.

"Yeah," I said. "So, Dylan?"

Naomi laughed. "You really don't want to miss a thing, do you?" I smiled and shrugged.

"I don't really know the details but from what I heard, the police came in right after the game. Our school won, by the way, and they took Dylan in handcuffs. I heard they were still interrogating him and they searched his house. They found tons of sick stuff in his attic," she said with a shudder. "He didn't confess to hitting Tucker, though. Although the police found the video of the accident, but they ruled you out."

I let out a breath.

"His whole family is in hysterics, though," Naomi said. "His mom kept begging the police not to arrest him while his father denied all the allegations against him. His sister was actually not surprised by it and she told the cops the same thing had happened to some kid back in DC and that she had long suspected her brother of sadism as she put it. She's too young to know about this stuff," Naomi said as she took her head in disapproval.

"That DC kid was named Terry, wasn't it?" I said. She nodded.

"How's Sarah?" I asked her.

Naomi shrugged. "She thinks you're lying and that her Dylan was being falsely accused. She's a total airhead."

My heart sunk in my stomach but I knew she wasn't worth it.

"You should've seen the school today. Dylan couldn't even attend. People trashed his locker, his house, and his car. They were angry at how they let him basically live. Your old bud Trevor almost started a war against him but thankfully some sense was kicked into him. The teachers mourned too, you're a freaking legend, Jamie. Everyone wants to avenge you."

I didn't know whether to smile or frown at what she was telling me. Part of me felt bad for Dylan, like I shouldn't have spilled the beans about him. Although he completely deserved it.

"I even heard he used to deal drugs during lunch and Principal Lafferty caught him. He didn't do anything to Dylan because his dad was one of the school funders," she said.

"So that's why he used to show up late to classes?" I asked her. She nodded.

A knock on the door made Naomi whisper "Later," and walk out. Mr. Marslow suddenly towered over me and gave me a smile.

"Hello, James. I'm glad you're doing well," he said.

I smiled. This was so awkward.

Jamie, meet Dylan. Dylan, meet JamieWhere stories live. Discover now