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5 Years Later...

''Mamma?'' Little Winter whined as her mother tied her hair in a bow. '' Hush child, You gotta wear it. School isn't home where you can not brush your hair.'' Rebecca giggled at her daughter as shiki tried getting Ash to fix his hair a little neater.

Turns out they ended up having twins. It was a real shock to the doctors as well, they could have sworn up and down that there was only one baby. Shiki and Natsu still wonder to this very day how the hell they missed a whole ass baby, truth is the doctor Rebecca had been visiting wasn't supposed to be in the maternity field. She was a plastic surgeon, All of the blame went out to her superior.

Shiki and Rebecca wasn't too pressed about it though, She was just glad to finally end the pain from labor. She kept making threats to chop off shiki's loved 'Pair.' OF course they are still intact to this very day.

'' Ash! You can't just shave your hair off!!'' Shiki yelled as he looked like he was close to have a nervous breakdown. Rebecca just sighed and kissed Winters head as she went to the bathroom where ash and shiki are stationed at.

She put her hands on her hips as she watched her husband and son fight over the clippers. ''Okay ladies. Break it up. Ash, Honey why are you trying to shave your head? '' She gave him a mock glare when in all reality she was trying to hold in her laughter. '' It seems like a hassle to take care of...I don't want it anymore.'' He sighed and shiki eyed his son in horror.

'' Son Your hair should be your 3rd most prized possession.'' Shiki sighed as he bent down to ash's level and connected his forehead to his sons. Rebecca awed at the sight her heart melting but then a thought hit her. ' 3rd Prized Possession?' She gasped and glared at shiki. '' What is my first and second prize?'' Ash asked with a head tilt and shiki paled he chuckled nervously and gave rebecca a quick glance. She was still drilling holes into his head.

''Family is first...and u-uh...Another time kid.'' He choked out and rebecca gave him a ' That's what I thought ' Look.  '' Mommy Can we get breakfast on the way to school? '' Winter walked into the bathroom with her raven colored hair pulled back into a braid. Shiki was in awe of his daughter, She resembled him so much. Has his Raven hair, His nose, His lips. She has rebecca's eye's which consist of a dark blue color.

The same however can't be said for Ash. He takes after Rebecca, -Despite ash and winter being twins they don't look as if they are related at all. Well other than their names of course.- Same Blonde Hair, Nose, Lips. Shiki's Onyx eyes. Even rebecca's freckles. He adored the fact of them being polar opposites.

''You look beautiful Baby...'' He whispered to his daughter never taking his eyes away, he still can't believe that she resembles him so much.

Winter Chuckled at her father and ran to give him a hug. Winter was more of a daddy's girl -Not to mention her looks - ''I'm Excited to start school today daddy!'' She exclaimed with a big smile on her face. She was just whining at rebecca not to long ago about having to brush her hair, it appears her mood did a full 180. Rebecca laughed internally at the thought.

''Ash, Let me fix your hair.'' Rebecca called to him and he sighed sadly then walked over to her. She smirked at her son. '' I'm gonna try to flatten it down? Maybe this will be the look you like?'' and so she did, she got a comb and ran it in the sink then combed his blonde locks down.

After she was done she turned him to face the mirror and he glared at his reflection. ''What is this?'' He exclaimed. Rebecca sent him a sheepish smile, ''Sorry baby..Maybe My dad can help?'' She asked herself.

''OOOOOH daughter dearest~'' A voice they knew all to well called out. Rebecca smiled once again- It seems she finally has an even bigger reason to smile this time.- '' In here Father.'' She yelled and Ash dropped his glare then smiled at the sound of his 'Pappy's' Voice.

Just us | Shiki & Rebecca { COMPLETE / EDITING}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu