Chapter 10

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{Rebecca's Point of View}

'' Huh? ''

I am Helplessly confused right now- Did he just say daughter? My eyes quickly scan the room for anyone out of the ordinary and to my suprise theres alot more people in the room, Theres a raven haired Man with no shirt on and  a Blue haired Lady beside him.

Right to the left of them is Scarlet and that blue hair guy, I think I have seen him before? How the hell am I supposed to know. Theres another red head next to scarlet and she looks exactly like her only older, Her hair is so pretty.

Lucy taking note of my gaze on the random strangers in the room decides it's okay to butt-in and mention them. '' Oh. Rebecca these are our friends.....who just so happens to be scarlet and Shikis....Parents. ''  To say i'm shocked would be an understatement. I'm so fucking Confused as of to what the shit is going on.

'' Mmmmmmmmmmmmmkayyyy. So like I must be dead? Damn I knew it was all too good to be true. First I wake up from my death bed. Quite LITERALLY. Then all of a sudden I'm told you guys are parents. I mean Shiki Is an orphan just like me. So like heh..Haah '' I ended up bursting out with laughter because for the life of me I just can't bring myself to actually see whats going on.

'' Okay you all great act. Wheres the cameras? Or did I suddenly go into the light? '' I asked seriously.  My gaze found Natsu and lucy whose faces had a bit of hurt on them. 

'' Rebecca... '' Shiki trailed off I looked him in the eyes and started to shake my head in denile. I don't wanna believe it. I won't.

Why would they do that to me? I'm their own flesh and blood. They wouldnt just give us up like that would they? I don't wanna believe it. Tears started to blur my eye sight.

'' It's not t-true. '' I whispered This was a dream. I'm still dead. Not alive. I can't it's too much to take in.

He gave me a sad look '' I know baby...I wish it werent...but listen to their reason. They had a good cause for it. ''

I was hesitant at first but I agreed to give them a chance to explain.

'' Not to be rude or anything but...Could we have the room please? '' Natsu asked with a hint of annoyance. He had mostly Pointed that Statement towards gray whom still hadnt put on a shirt. I'm gonna guess thats one of the reasons.

everyone left but Natsu and lucy. Shiki was still here too but he was not wanting to go willingly. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before making his way out grumbling somthing under his breath along the lines of ' So much for never letting go...'

I internally smiled because he's silly and how much I really love that boy.

Natsu cleared his throat and Lucy began speaking '' So...Rebecca is there any questions you would like to start with? '' I slowly nodded my head '' Actually yes. How in the hell are all so fucking young? If your my parents like you say. You should look ya know more older, but instead you look around my age maybe a little bit older. '' I Asked with a shocked look. Natsu chuckled and lucy got an annoyed glint in her eye.

'' Thats my girl. '' Natsu wink and I would have laughed had I not been serious with my question.

'' Well.. You see We are just gifted with that type of reward.. We completed a Job and they ended up giving us a life of never really ageing. Although I can't say I'm too happy to be this good looking when everyone else ends up being old and grey. '' Natsu Snorted and I grew a small smile on my face before it dropped and I ended up asking about the story as of to why they shipped us off.

Natsu is gonna explain this.. '' You see rebecca... We didn't have a choice.. Honestly it was such bad timing. It's not like we could help it though. We come from planet earth and at just as you were born There was a terrible war. Theres some people out there who are perfectly content with ruining other's Lives. Just a day before we all got sent out to battle we all made a pact, Including : Gray, Juvia, Erza, Jellal, Shiki, Scarlet, You. We vowed to send our babies away while they were still babies. It was the best decsion at the time, and I honestly don't regret it. You guys manage to find your way into each others lives and stuck like glue. I'm so happy we took that job that brought us here. It was the closest thing we had to a lead on you. Sending you away didnt stop the heavy heart we had went to battle with.  We had to let it go and try to make sure it didn't stop us from winning. This war was made into history. Thats how bad it was, There was a point though..Where they knew about you. He. Threatend You. He knew about you. God that was the worst feeling ever...  To know that your worst nightmare had found out about your sole purpose for living. For being strong. For fighting. '' He sighed out of anger.

I looked at him with confusion '' he? '' Lucy rubbed natsu's shoulders in attempt to calm him down.

'' He. Is my brother. He found out about you at some point and threatend to take you away from us. Away from me. '' He growled and I was kinda happy that he was a bit possesive over me. It's feels amazing to know I have a father and mother who actually wanted me.

I smiled a big smile and tears started to fill my eyes. '' Thank you. ''  I breathe '' Thank you both so much, for coming back and seaching for us. I'm so happy to know I have parents now. To know that They didn't want me because I wasnt good enough. I can't even express it but thank you so much...

I love you! ''

Mom and Dad! ''

Word count: 1056


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