Chapter 16

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A/N : Here's a Picture of my doggo. Her name is aries ❤️

⚠️ Warning : High profanities level below, if it isn't in your cup of tea I would suggest not reading or to just ignore the words. You have been warned. ⚠️

Rebecca's POV

We all sat at the table in the back of the coffee shop. The air around us is tense. Very tense.

Natsu is still fuming but when isn't he? I mean the man is literally made of fire.

I'm and seated across from Aiden whom has a cocky smirk on his face like he's the one about to be benefited. Pfft bitch you thought.

" I know I'm good looking princess, you made that perfectly clear the first time we met, but I would love it if you stopped your ' admiring ' of my face. I'm not really into blondes ya know...but I could make an exception." He said with a wink. That earned a growl out of shiki and Natsu.

I turned my glare to the three of them, " what the hell are you? Animals? No. Cut out the growling, gosh. "

Shiki huffed and Natsu just growled at me in return, I didn't even bother scolding him.

" Aiden. "

"Rebecca." He said in the same slow tone I had but all too soon another smirk slipped onto his face.

"Or should I say Nashi Dragneel. " I tilted my head in question, while the blood slowly drained from moms face. Hell even dad froze, and well uncle gray just glare at aidens face with a new found hatred.

" Nashi? Who is that? Mom? Dad? " I asked in confusion.

Lucy slowly looked into natsus eyes as if having a mental conversation, which they probably were.

" I- I uh-u-h Another time..." mom replied defeatedly.

" guys must not have told your precious offspring the WHOLE truth did you? Mom and dad? " Aiden chuckled dryly " Pathetic" shiki was about to lunge at him but uncle gray grabbed him and pulled him back by the coller.

" Aiden...Why the hell did your group shoot up candi's party? " I hissed to him he just rolled his eyes

" Princess we have been through this. You were the main target, so if your looking for anyone to blame. Let it be yourself for even showing up. I mean why the hell did you even do it anyway?? So you can watch your little super hero boyfriend fuck around with my damn sister? Darling I know I'm heartless but even I know when enough is enough. "

I sighed
" You didn't really wanna kill anyone..better yet I honestly don't think I even seen you have a gun? " I raised an eye brow at him. He just laughed
" aren't you a nosy little thing. If you must know, I was fucking Katie wright in the upstairs bathroom. You think I knew about their little stunt? Nope. But guess what I don't get to know a lot of shit these days. My own fucking friends don't tell me shit. I'm their leader. They should listen to me. Never fucking candi. Dad just lets her do whatever the fuck she wants. And her goal was to fuck your boyfriend here then upload the video crushing your little heart, while you watch and soon after get your brains blown out, So Yeah I didn't know shit until about, oh say I don't know 3 damn days ago. When I got the full fucking story, from Ethan. A guy who wasn't even fucking there. SO—-"

I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. " enough. Fuck you Aiden. And you know what. Fuck your sister too. I'm so glad I killed that bitch, I don't regret it, if I could do it again I so would. Except a different fucking. Way. Every. God. Damn. Time. " and with that I ran out of there not caring about that prick. Everything he said made me sick, to my stomach.

What a fucking asshat.

Word count: 665

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