Chapter 19

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                       R e b b e c a
It's been a year since that time I was over at the motel with my mom and dad.

A lot has changed. I finally helped the family's put their loved ones to rest about two days after shopping with mom.

Their ceremony's were lovely and they had lived a great life so far... the only one I didn't do a service for was candi.

I left her family to do that on their own. She was crazy and needed help but didn't get it because everyone was blinded by her shit. I can't believe I ever thought of her as a friend, I was being rational about our friendship. I was being nice to her.

The thing is...candi wasn't always like that towards just happened as we grew older. She despised me for no reason at all. Everyone tells me that it's okay. She was just jealous of me and shiki, funny thing is... she and shiki we're together. I mean how much closer did she need to be.

Whatever anyway- Candi's brother Aiden has completely he's missing. I still didn't get all my answers but I decided to let that go as well, the serpent slayers case? It's closed. We spent forever trying to hunt Down that damn cult. No luck, I did however get a friend from the lab look into that redhead girl, the crazy one remember her? Yeahh That One.  Well turns out she survived whatever hell we have put her through and fled the country to Italy. I didn't know the other dudes names or couldn't Atleast find anything on them. Dad and his dragon slayer friends couldn't even get a scent.

What annoyed me the most was that candi's father killed himself  3 months after the shooting at the party. No one knew why the unexpected urge to take your own life was an option but there are so many Theories.

Like theory number one : Candis father was getting high on some heroin and was drinking some gin. He got carried away and decided he couldn't live without his children.
Yeah uhhh no. I don't believe he would do that and he wasn't even on drugs the hell?

Theory number two:  Aiden was so angry at candi's death that he went crazy so he decided to put the blame on his father and shoot him in the head, making it look like a suicide. Which would explain the reason he's missing.
This one is honestly a possibility but whenever we met with Aiden he seemed fine... not like a crazy person...but then again there's also the fact that we thought the same about the devil candi her self.

last but not least theory number three:    Candi and aidens father was driven mad by her ghost. People claim that she's been haunting him along with the other spirits that had passed on that house. No one lives there now but when candis father was alive he was the only one living there. This one is would make sense, there has been rumors where people went exploring in their mansion, some say that they can hear the screams of the dead as if they were getting struck with the bullets all over again. New reporters and everything has been here, non have caught anything on tape but
Everyone who has went inside they claimed they could feel their torment, some even said that candis ghost would scratch them with her nails that were always so long. Those who stayed long enough to go upstairs into the master bedroom where her father died at they could hear the gunshot sounding off the walls in the room.

We don't know for sure but those are just the theory's. I hadn't been there and I don't really plan on going anytime soon. Based on that last idea it's creepy.

I'm sure if I arrived candi would like possess me or some shit.

I shivered. Okay well enough of the stupid shit.

I have great news! My mom is pregnant so that means I'm gonna be a big sister! Which also mean that her and my dad are still sexually active...which is gross.

On another note me and shiki are engaged...he thought it would be great, since you know my mom isn't the only one whom has's actually kinda weird not gonna lie. To know that your pregnant at the same time as your mom.... she's a bit farther along then me though.

She's 2 months pregnant. I'm only 6 weeks. So we kinda just found out.

Shiki and dad are very protective of me, I don't need the protection honestly but I just let them have their fun.

I sighed out loud, it's so hard to believe all of this has happened in a year. I got engaged, and pregnant, and found my parents and got caught up in a shooting. All in the same year. That's alot of shit if you ask me.

I know that theres  a lot of loopholes that we still hadn't filled yet but there's nothing more we could have done... unless we track now Aiden and force the answers but it's a long shot...I think I'm starting to forget about him. Like he's fading on my brain not that he had a spot there in the first place. I mean he did but not like's just- there's something about him that's sad. Like he's broken.


" Hello beautiful." I turned around with a smile on my face as my fiancé walked through the door. His black hair spiked as always.

I reached my hands out and put them through his's soft. I pulled a little and he groaned. I smirked and looked towards his face instead of his hair.

" I missed you. " I whispered as I leaned up to connect my lips to his. He responded immediately. Sparks flew where his hands are at my waist.

I smirked into our kiss and went to his neck,kissing my way to his sweet spot. Which happens to be where his should and neck connect.

I sat him down and got on top of him, giving him a lot of hickies. Just to show those on lookers who he really belonged too.

" Damn women, give the neck a break. Also we're not doing this. Your pregnant. Our activities may hurt our baby." He stated with a husky voice. I rolled my eye with a chuckle.
The worst part about pregnancy is that fact that I'm hormonal as shit.
" pfft. I don't think you could keep up with me if we Did do those...Activities." I got into his ear and whispered activities, he bit his lip and glared at me. I kissed his mouth once more before i attempted to get off of him.

Key word : Attempted.

As soon as I got one foot on the ground I tripped over something  invisible and was about to fall face first on the floor. My first instinct was to cover my stomach to protect my baby from any damage that may happen after this shit show.

Turns out I didn't even have to worry about that as Shiki caught me before I hit the floor, I tried not to let my embarrassment show because I was just trying to seduce him and this turned how to be the worst part of my day. Hah.

" My night in shining armor. " I said shyly, the door opened up and the voice of Natsu, my dad rang out in our apartment.

" More like a fucking retard in tin foil."

I burst out of laughter, Shiki was annoyed at Natsu for ruining our time alone.

Oh god I love this family.

Word count : 1305

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