Now they were going towards the hospital at high speed, Henry trying to hold Mary Margret's hand the entire time. She squeezes it very tightly, almost to the point of crushing the bones in his hand, but he powers through.

"It hurts so bad," Mary Margret whimpers. She leans her head back as if this will numb the pain.

"Hang in there, we'll be at the hospital in a second," Regina says, as anxious as the mother to be.


David and Regina both pull into the hospital parking lot at the same time. Both drivers are too distracted to notice that they are about to crash into one another.

"Regina watch out!" Mary Margret screams and the BMW stops inches from David's bumper. David also stopped, honking his horn in confusion and rage until he saw his wife in the passenger seat. He shuts the car off and runs to the passenger door.

"Oh David," Mary Margret pants.

"It's going to be okay honey," he says, helping his wife out of the car. "Lean on me."

"This isn't happening David..." his wife whines as they head for the hospital. "This isn't happening."

"Take some deep breaths," Regina cuts in as she and Henry follow the couple inside.

The receptionist at the desk looks up at the approaching group.

"My wife is having her baby!" David calls out.

The receptionist pages for a nurse and several of them come with a wheelchair. As the teacher is being wheeled down the hall, the rest follow behind.

"How far apart are her contractions?" the head nurse asks.

"I'm not sure," David responds.

"When did her labour start?"

"I don't know,"

"How many days was it till her due date?"

"I don't know!" David practically barks. "I just got here from work!"

"Please sir, we understand that this is a stressful time for you, but please keep your volume down," the nurse says as they wheel Mary Margret through some doors. "Who was your wife's acting physician?"

"Dr. Whale," David says, glad he could answer at least one of the questions.

A male nurse stops Regina and Henry before they can go through.

"Are either of you family members?" he asks.

"Uh no but..." Regina begins.

"I'm sorry but you can't come through, you can both wait in the waiting room."

"Then at least give David this!" Henry says, shoving the bag into the nurse's arms.

"Will do," the man says. "The waiting room is just down the hall."


"Just breath deeply Mary," Dr. Whale says.

Mary Margret is laying in a hospital bed, her feet propped up and her body in agonizing pain. David had helped his wife change into a hospital robe and Dr. Whale met them to see how far along she is. The police officer who deals with hard criminals daily is scared shitless, pacing back and forth across the room while the doctor examines his wife.

"How is she?" David asks once the doctor is finished.

"She's about six centimetres dilated," the doctor told the father-to-be. "Contractions are every 3-5 minutes so far. I want you to stay with her while I go look in on another patient. I'll have a nurse bring her some ice chips soon and ask if she wants an epidural. Until then, keep her comfortable and maybe encourage her to walk around a little bit, changing positions is beneficial at this stage."

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