Ch. 91: Oh, Ms. Believer

Start from the beginning

"Did you fester up something for them?" She hiccups. She's obsessed with wine.

"Yup." I briefly describe the necklace I gave grandmother, and the slippers and cap I bought for Pap. The only money I had left from babysitting the Greenlee's.

"Good." She says while sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Why are so you stressed."

"They don't know yet, Dawn. There's a lot to be stressed about. Knowing your grandma, she'll nag to me that she was always right. That he was wrong for me since the beginning, and it took two decades before I could stop being with him. I was dependent on your father for everything, and I can swear I can hear her words. Never let a man rule you. Ted didn't rule me, if he did, I wouldn't have cheated on him, but at the same time, he ruled me in solicitude. He ruled me in fear, and the fear ate away at me." She looks up from the kitchen counter, "I'm sorry." She cups her mouth with wide eyes, "I didn't mean to say that all to you, it's just- sometimes it's easier to let it out.

"I understand mom. I won't judge you." I grasp her shoulder, and her hand hovers over it, "Neither will grandma. She wants what's best for you."

"I know, but I'll disappoint her."

"Don't be afraid of your mom, mom." I try to poke fun at the word choices.

"Just talk to her separately from Pap, it'll be easier."

"You're right." She nods, "what time is Jake coming for dinner."

As soon as she asks that, the doorbell rings, "I told him around this time, so I assume now." My smile widens at the thought of Jake. These past few days with him has been fantastic. No drama, no Serena, and Ledger hasn't bothered. It's everything that I've ever wanted, and I hoped that happy tune played through tonight.

I walk to the front and open it to Jake. He holds two bouquets, and a nervous smile embeds into his lips. He's still wearing his usual attire of a black long sleeve and black jeans. Everything about him feels so different; especially his eyes. They're visible. His shades rigged into his shirt.

"Hey." I gleam to him, already grasping at his face for comfort.

I wouldn't shut up about how wonderful my grandparents were, so he must be nervous to meet them. It's such a contrast to when he met my parents for the first time. It's new and so beautiful.

"Hi." His voice deep, but anxious nonetheless.

I kiss his lips briefly before connecting our eyes, "You're not wearing your glasses."

"I know. I wanted to try it out; I also didn't want an awkward encounter like last time."

"Well if they begin to irritate you, put them on. I'll make sure my grandparents won't say anything."

"Okay." His smile relaxes.

"Um, these are for your mom and your grandmother." He gestures the flowers. One of them are tulips, and the others are yellow roses. My mother's favorite is yellow roses.

"That's so sweet." Before I can steal another kiss, my mother enters the corridor.

"Hello, Jake. How are you?" Her smile slightly forced, but at least she's trying.

"I'm fine. Yourself?"

"Not too bad. Who's are those for?" She eyes the bouquets.

"Well, one of them is yours." He hands her the yellow roses.

"Oh, how lovely." She smells them with a much more genuine smile, "I love the smell of them. Especially when they've just bloomed, so fresh. Thank you." She looks up to him, "I'll get some vases." She trots to the kitchen.

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