The Friend Post

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Hoiiiiii boiiiizzz its Saarah_Chan and I left my phone at home so I'm using Stella-san's phone. Anywayzzz bye I'm eating Lunch and Stella-san isnt sharing her bread. Now I'm gonna give it to sunnysunshine12345 about what whatever I really don't know what to grow so supercalifragilisticexpealidocius Idk if it is spelled properly. Hoi Saarah_Chan here again and uh uh bye. (Old its my friend Brooke) ok cool now I will go pet a dog so anyways yesterday I was dancing to bts songs secretly at home and I know have like 5 songs stuck in my head. (Sunny now!) Also I way reading a weird book about a spy who has an arranged marriage to another spy. Yesterday I saw v's hwarang...

Omg my friends are so weird. Im sorry. Lmao okie Miym_Uzumaki and -Kxndkachan- and -Blueberry_Mintae you guys will love them omg. Okie bai now!!!

(Btw Gabi isn't sitting with us today so she isn't in this friend post)

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