15. Memory Lane Pt. 3 (TW)

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"O̸h̶,̷ ̸w̷h̵e̷r̵e̷,̸ ̴O̷h̴ ̷w̸h̵e̷r̸e̶ ̶h̴a̵s̸ ̴m̶y̵ ̷l̶i̶t̵t̵l̵e̶ ̷s̶n̶a̵k̷e̶ ̶g̷o̴n̷e̶.̵.̷.̵" I sang as I practically skipped down the hall. I had the metal pipe in my hand, the jagged broken bottom sliding across the stone floor, as I followed the light through this mess of tunnels. "O̷h̸,̵ ̶w̴h̸e̴r̶e̴,̶ ̶o̷h̴,̸ ̷w̸h̴e̵r̶e̴,̶ ̷c̵o̵u̸l̶d̷ ̴h̴e̶ ̸b̸e̸.̵.̷.̸"

"W̷i̸t̷h̷ ̶i̸s̶ ̴b̸e̸a̷d̸y̷ ̶e̴y̵e̴s̸ ̷a̵n̵d̵ ̷h̴i̴s̴ ̸f̵a̴n̷g̴s̴ ̴s̵o̵ ̷l̴o̶n̸g̵.̷.̶.̴" I stopped short as the sound of yelling made it's way to my ears. A giggle escaped my lips as I spun around on my heels to face the direction of the yelling. "O̸h̷,̸ ̶w̵h̷e̴r̷e̵,̴ ̴o̸h̸,̶ ̷w̴h̷e̶r̸e̵ ̷c̸a̵n̶ ̷h̸e̶ ̶b̵e̴?̷"

"I don't care how old it is I want it done!" I moved in closer to the door and frowned. "If we can figure out how it has this effect, we may be able to replicate it."

"And if we can't? What happens then? You'd have destroyed a marvel for nothing." There was a crash and I slowly opened the door to see Deceit holding this man by the throat against a table. My eyes narrowed and I spotted familiar blond hair in the corner of the room.

"Deceit, please. He's right. I understand your position but that knife is highly enchanted. We may never find out what the cause is." The blonde man took a step closer and Deceit slowly let go of the other man who was now rubbing his neck. "I'm sure there is plenty of other incredible finds..."

"N̶o̸p̸e̷!̷" I called making them all jump. "T̷h̸a̶t̷ ̴o̵n̶e̷ ̶a̸ ̸o̷n̵e̶ ̴o̵f̴ ̷a̸ ̴k̴i̸n̴d̷.̸" 

"Virgil? How the fuck did you get out?" I walked inside coming out of the shadows and the blonde man took a step back. I'd imagine so after all everything is currently red as blood. A sight I know very well. I frowned as the memories started to rush my mind. "Virgil!"

"S̷̱̳̍̅̌ͅH̷̯̿́Ư̸̫̫Ṱ̸̥̎ ̴͎̤̘̇̈́̏U̸̧̪̅̑P̸̲̽͒!̴̠͔̪̓͊" I screamed clenching my hair as the screams rang through my mind. They deserved it. They were monsters father said so... he said... he... Wait. Why was I here again? I looked up at Deceit and smiled. That's right. I had a snake to kill. I bet father would be proud. Just another monster I was born to eliminate. 

"What's gotten into you" Deceit honestly looked concerned. I knew it was fake. Monsters don't have feelings. They're just masks they use to trick us into thinking they're actually afraid. They're all just trying to kill you. That's why father raised me strong. So I would end them before they could end me. That's why... That's why he... he, uh...

"Virgil?" I looked over at the blonde man and saw a flash. I shook my head trying to dispell the image but It wouldn't go away. It just wouldn't... Lya. Why would she be here? SHE'S DEAD! "Don't let it take over."

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Deceit yelled as he looked over at the blonde man. The blond shook his head and a look of confusion filled his eyes.

"I... I don't know."

"A̵̪͊L̶̛͍̐̔L̴̞̾͌ ̷̨̓O̵̮̤͑̐̕F̸͇̫́̕ ̷̨̛̪́̎Y̶͖̘̱̔̽Ő̷̦͓̃̕Ŭ̵̳̠ ̵̦̬̦̓S̸̳̝̦̐H̸̼͠U̵̬̎̃T̶̯̑͐́ ̷̧̨͂̀͗Ů̴͓P̵̻̗̮͆!̶̢̞̣̾̋̏" They looked back over at me and I smiled widely, laughing like a mad man. "I̴ ̷c̶a̸m̵e̷ ̵h̵e̸r̴e̷ ̸f̶o̴r̵ ̷a̸ ̸r̶e̵a̷s̴o̵n̵.̴ ̷W̸h̸a̷t̷ ̴w̵a̸s̵ ̴i̴t̵?̸ ̸I̶ ̵c̵a̵n̵'̸t̵.̴.̶.̷" I looked over at the man to Deceit's right and my eyes went wide. "M̷Y̵ ̸K̴N̷I̸F̸E̵!̵"

"What?" I started jumping up and down with excitement and the man took a step back out of fear.

"I̵ ̸h̵a̵v̷e̵n̸'̶t̴ ̴s̸e̸e̸n̵ ̴t̷h̷a̵t̷ ̷s̵i̶n̷c̸e̷.̷.̵.̴ ̸w̵a̶i̴t̶ ̶t̸h̷a̸t̴'̴s̵ ̷n̷o̵t̷ ̴r̸i̶g̴h̵t̴.̴ ̵I̷ ̶d̶i̵d̴ ̷s̷e̵e̵ ̴t̸h̵a̵t̵ ̷a̴g̴a̸i̴n̸ ̵r̵i̵g̵h̴t̵.̶ ̶O̴r̶ ̴n̶o̸t̵.̵.̴.̶ ̷d̴i̸d̸ ̴I̶?̷ ̴W̷h̷y̷ ̸d̶o̴ ̶y̸o̴u̵ ̷h̵a̴v̷e̴ ̸i̴t̵?̸" Their faces went white and I looked over at my arms, smiling at the cuts the covered them. "O̴h̴,̷ ̵t̶h̵a̶t̴'̶s̶ ̸r̴i̷g̶h̸t̴.̴"

"Virgil, what happened to the man I left with you?" Deceit took a step forward, his hand inching towards his sword. I just held my hands out as the blonde man covered his mouth to suppress a sob. "VIRGIL WHAT DID YOU DO?"

"I̸ ̷k̷i̵l̴l̸e̸d̵ ̸h̴i̸m̸.̶" Deceit's eyes went wide and I just laughed at how broken he looked. "W̷a̷s̸ ̴h̴e̶ ̸s̶o̸m̸e̵o̷n̵e̴ ̸s̷p̶e̸c̴i̸a̸l̵ ̵t̸o̴ ̸y̶o̷u̴?̶ ̶I̷f̴ ̶s̵o̴ ̴m̶a̸y̷b̶e̸ ̷y̸o̵u̷ ̴s̵h̸o̵u̸l̸d̸n̸'̷t̸ ̷h̵a̵v̶e̷ ̶l̵e̵f̷t̶ ̷h̶i̵m̸ ̵w̵i̵t̴h̷ ̴m̸e̸.̶"

"You killed... FUCKER." He took out his sword and pointed it at me. I couldn't hold back the intense laugh that escaped from my lips, which only made his face go whiter.

"H̵e̷ ̸w̸a̶s̵ ̴v̵e̶r̶y̴ ̵r̸u̶d̶e̴.̸ ̵H̵o̴n̷e̶s̶t̷l̶y̸ ̸t̴h̶o̷u̶g̶h̵,̷ ̴I̷ ̸t̷h̷i̸n̶k̴ ̸h̶e̴ ̵w̴a̸s̵ ̷j̸e̵a̴l̶o̷u̶s̴.̵ ̸Y̶o̴u̷ ̶s̷h̴o̵u̴l̴d̶ ̵h̸a̸v̶e̴ ̸w̸a̷r̶n̸e̴d̵ ̷h̵i̴m̷.̶" I twirled the piped around my finger and rested it on my shoulder. "N̷o̴w̵.̷.̴.̷ ̵Y̵o̵u̶ ̷h̶a̵v̷e̸ ̵s̴o̵m̸e̴t̵h̸i̶n̴g̴ ̸t̶h̸a̴t̵ ̴b̶e̵l̶o̴n̸g̵s̵ ̸t̸o̶ ̶m̷e̶.̴"

"You won't..."

"J̸a̸c̸k̵ ̶a̶n̴d̵ ̷J̵i̷l̸l̴ ̵w̷e̷n̵t̴ ̸u̴p̷ ̸a̷ ̷h̴i̶l̸l̷.̶.̴.̸" I took the pipe and started spinning it absentmindedly, as I looked around the room. "T̸o̴ ̴f̶e̸t̴c̴h̵ ̵a̸ ̶p̸a̴i̴l̶ ̸o̵f̸ ̴w̶a̶t̸e̵r̸.̴" Deceit yelled out in frustration and lashed out with his sword. I just laughed as I blocked it and brought the pipe right into his gut, causing him to fall to his knees as he coughed. "J̴a̸c̷k̵ ̷f̵e̴l̷l̸ ̵d̴o̷w̸n̶.̸.̵.̵" He looked up at me and I smiled bringing the jagged edge of the pipe across his face with such force his neck nearly snapped. ".̴.̷.̵b̷r̸o̵k̷e̴ ̴h̴i̵s̴ ̴c̷r̷o̷w̴n̷.̵.̵.̶" I knelt down over him and he shot me this dirty look as his face bled. I punched him and his head smacked against the floor knocking him out.

"Virgil?" I looked up at the blonde man and frowned. I stood up straightened myself out and rested the pipe on my shoulder again.

"A̴n̷d̸ ̴J̴i̷l̵l̶ ̴c̸a̵m̶e̶ ̸t̸u̵m̸b̷l̶i̶n̴g̶ ̵a̴f̶t̵e̷r̷.̸" I took a step towards the blonde man and froze as my vision flashed, once again showing Lya. WHY WON'T THAT BITCH JUST STAY DEAD!

"Virgil, please. Don't give in. You're better than this. You're better..."

"S̶H̶U̵T̴ ̴U̴P̵!̴" The room shook and he took a step back as the pipe started to glow as it heated up. "L̵y̴a̴'̵s̴ ̵d̸e̴a̷d̸.̶.̶.̷ ̸s̸h̸e̴'̷s̴ ̴d̵e̷a̷d̶.̵.̵.̸ ̴I̸ ̷s̵a̵w̴ ̷h̶e̵r̷ ̴d̸i̸e̸.̶.̵.̶ ̴Y̷O̵U̸R̸ ̸N̵O̸T̵ ̶L̷Y̶A̵!̸"

"Virgil, calm yourself. Your losing control. I can't bring you back this time. Please don't..." Her image was fuzzy like she was a program that just could get reception, fazing in and out. My broken mind couldn't keep up between her and the man. "Please don't give up. You've come so far. You proved you were more than..."

"M̷̺̉y̵͖͝ ̷̼̔F̷͔̒a̸̦͛t̴̘̒a̷̫̋l̶̲̈́ ̷̬̈́Ǐ̷̯ň̷̬ṣ̴͛a̶̼͌n̷̥̆ĩ̸͎t̸͕͋y̴̛͓!̸̰̂" Her eyes darkened and I swung the pipe fast and hard at their head only to stop when I saw his tears. She was gone and the man just stood there staring at me, fear and pain in his eyes. I... I didn't like it... Why didn't I like it? It's fake. Fake tears. Fake fear... IT'S ALL FAKE!

I dropped the pipe and took a step back the voices in my head getting louder. Hurt him. Kill him. Break him. He's a liar. He's a monster. Your Father would want you to. You have to make your Father proud. You have to obey. To disobey would cause pain. You don't like pain. But...

"V-Virgil..." My eyes went wide as the red slowly drained to a slight hint of pink and I stumbled back.

What was I doing? What... The blonde man stepped forward and I stumbled back again, tripping on Janus's unconscious body and right into the table. The other man ran as soon as he could but the blonde one stood over me with concern. I grabbed the closest thing and held it out towards him, my eyes instantly going red again. His eyes went wide as he took a step back, holding his arms up. I got myself up and smiled at the familiar hum I heard. I looked down to see my knife in my hands, cracks glowing brightly like magma underneath obsidian. 

I looked back up at the man in front of me and frowned. Why does he make me feel guilty? Why does he make this all seem wrong? Lya... She was the only one... the only one that... that...

"Shit. I-I... didn't... I shouldn't have... I'm sorry."  I whispered as I staggered back and ran out of the room.

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